Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Making Your House a Home: Qualify for Home Improvement Tax ...

2011 home improvement tax credits

Save Money and Save the Planet

While The Cleaning Authority is arguably Austin?s best residential maid service offering comprehensive green cleaning, we like to keep our customers and community up-to-date on on all-things-home improvement, especially when it involves saving money and saving the planet.

The federal government, in concert with many local and state governments and utilities, is offering extensive rebates and tax credits for home improvement and home owners that replace household inefficiencies.

These rebates and credits are not guaranteed to be around in 2012 and expire on December 31, 2011. So while haste makes waste, ignore that cliche and hurry up into savings!

The dollar amount listed below is the credit offered for qualifying energy efficient products. For more information about how to qualify, visit http://www.energysavers.gov.

We?ve all read the news of the stimulus spending bills benefitting corporations and entire industries. But what?s in it for the little guys? What?s init for John Q Taxpayer? The federal government, as part of its economic stimulus spending, has been offering income tax credits for home improvement projects that improve energy efficiency. While the tax credits for this year are much less generous than those available in previous years, they are still worth hundreds of dollars. When coupled with local, state and utility rebates and tax credits, the savings is well into the thousands of dollars. Additionally, real estate experts suggest that overhauling inefficient appliances and investing in energy efficient products and processes is a multiplier when it comes to resell value of your home. Again, the credits and rebates listed and linked below expire on December 31, 2011 so be sure to get started soon!

  • Biomass stoves: $300
  • Central air conditioning: $300
  • Furnaces and boilers: $150
  • Advanced main air circulating fan: $50
  • Insulation: 10% of the cost, up to $500
  • Roofing: 10% of the cost, up to $500
  • Gas, oil or propane water heaters: $300
  • Electric heat pump water heaters: $300
  • Windows and skylights: 10% of the cost, up to $200
  • Doors: 10% of the cost, up to $500

Also, you can check out the Database of State?Incentives for Renewables and Efficiencies?for even more savings specific to your Texas and Austin!

In the meantime, we?re here for all of your green house cleaning maid service needs.??Call us today at 512.827.8657, or after 7pm,?Request a Quote. ?I welcome your thoughts and feedback?. learning from others is what it?s all about. Looking forward to the conversation.

Towards saving green and keeping clean,?Drew

Source: http://cleaningauthorityaustin.com/blog/making-your-house-a-home-qualify-for-home-improvement-tax-credits/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=making-your-house-a-home-qualify-for-home-improvement-tax-credits

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