Sunday, May 20, 2012

Adding Flash Banners into Google Adwords - Ppc-advertising ...


Image banners are an important aspect of Google Ad Words that will make a more eye catching banner in Google Ad Words and will result in a higher click through rate than conventional Photoshop banners. They will make you stand out from your competition; just as long as they look professional and clean. If you want to step it up a level, create Flash animated banners. Banners for Ad Words come in different sizes for you to choose from, Skyscrapers, banners and squares in many different pixel sizes.

Creating a Flash banner is easy even for the novice Flash user. If you are not familiar with, go to YouTube and search beginning Flash tutorials and Flash tweening tutorials. Tweening is what makes the static images move. If you know Photoshop or any other Adobe product; you will see a lot that looks the same.

Import images to the stage and experiments with all the working parts that Flash has to offer. One key is to keep it simple, if you try to put to many moving parts, it will distracting and will do more harm than good.

Once you have the banner complete, you have to do a few things to make allow Ad Words to accept the banner. Ad Words requires you to add a code to a button symbol for tracking purposes. It is a easy step that can be confusing if you are not familiar with Flash.

The first step is to create a new layer, then select the Rectangle Tool and draw a rectangle over your Convert to a "Button Symbol", make it invisible by turning the Alpha to zero and the most important part that Google does not explain.

You have to name the "instance name." This is VERY important because when you add the Action Script, you will refer to the button by this name.

Once all that is complete, click on the first frame of that layer, right click and select actions. In the action dialog box, insert this code:



// ......



function(event: MouseEvent) : void {

? URLRequest( root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG), "_blank");

? }


Here is the key, replace BUTTON_NAME_HERE with whatever you used for the "Instance Name" of your button. Mine was button so I just put button.add Event Listener(

?Once you have this complete, hit control and enter at the same time. This will play your movie, if you don't see a error message appear, your movie is ready to be uploaded to Ad Words.

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