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?Hi folks! January is blog-post re-play month here on the?30 Day Books?blog. Some of the posts are over 12 months old and some info may be a little outdated, but I?ve chosen those that I feel will still be useful and valuable. Enjoy!?
Are you shy? Consider yourself introverted?
What a great book! I loved this whole series as a kid.
This topic is particularly important to me because of my own story and experience. I?m a little hesitant (embarrassed) to share this with you, but hopefully it will resonate with some of you and my advice will be of use.
While I don?t exactly fall into the ?shy camp? in most areas of my life, when it came to launching my book in March 2011, something VERY strange happened. I got butterflies. I got weirdly uncomfortable when people asked about the book. For a long time I considered?using a pen name. I was SO shy about the whole thing.
I am more than happy to shout loud and proud about others? books ? including my husband?s which I?d just spent a year marketing loud and proud ? but when it came to raving about my own book I just wanted to curl up and hide!
I knew it was a good book, I knew there was a demand for it, I?d had very positive feedback from my critique partners and beta readers, but that didn?t seem to help me to feel okay with promoting myself. Honestly, I bet 50% of my friends didn?t even know I?d written a book for the first 6 months it was out there. It was a horrible experience for me and one that I could never have predicted.
So what was I worried about??Well, here?s a SHORT list of things off the top of my head:
- That people would judge me as a result of the book?s content (bridal beauty, health & staying stress-free). That I would look like a wedding-obsessed bimbo!
- Negative reviews
- That there was a lot of ?me? in the book, things I didn?t necessarily want friends and family to know about
- That people would judge me for self-publishing
- My writing.
My BIG Shift in Thinking ? The One thing that changes everything.
These worries, thankfully, didn?t last. Long enough to do some damage (the first 6 months) but short enough for me to turn it around. So what happened?
When researching some tips on public speaking for a talk I was scheduled to give, I read this piece of advice. It occurred to me that it applies to every situation in life ? including to authors promoting their books:
?Take the attention off yourself and focus on the gift you are giving other people.?
This was just the slap in the face I needed. The book wasn?t about me at all.
My book ? and yours ? is a gift! We wrote it for a reason, right? Because we thought that the story, message, delivery would resonate with someone. It would open their mind, teach them something, make them laugh, entertain them, take them away from their stressful life? or [insert your own reason here].
What?s YOUR reason?
Whatever your reasons for writing your book were ? and ?shy? authors I suggest that you sit down and write a list ? once you?ve cemented that reason, I?m telling you that it?s YOUR DUTY to get that book out there to as many people as possible. You?re doing someone else a favor with your book and writing.
My reason??I wrote the book because I wish I had it when I was getting married. I knew that I loved Brandon dearly but that didn?t prevent the fact that I was scared about tying the knot. As many brides who turn into bridezillas can attest, weddings are super stressful life events that can bring up a whole host of emotional issues and family drama. I wanted to put my experience on paper and let other brides know that those emotions are normal. Here is one email I got from a reader:
?Thank you SO much for writing this book. It really has altered my perspective and made me feel better about the stress and anxiety that I?m feeling. You were speaking to me in this book. A friend of mine sent me two other bride-to-be books but they?re just pages and pages of things to?worry?about, essentially, which frightens me off sitting down and reading them. I?ve a hard enough time dealing with anxiety as it is! Wow! Glowing Bride though, is perfect. Thank you again!?
Wasn?t I being kind of selfish worrying about how others viewed the book when it could have helped so many more? After a few emails like this I stopped caring about the potential negative reactions to the book and focused on the positive impact it had.
Give your book the chance it deserves?
You can?t just give birth to your book and then let it fend for itself! It needs a push and a?big?shove in the right direction? that is the direction of readers.
Here are my top 5 marketing tips for shy authors.
1. Change your shift in thinking.?
See above -?Focus on the book and it?s message.
ACTION STEP?- Go write down the reasons you wrote the book, what the message is, and how and why people will get value from it.
2. Take Advantage of the Internet
As Florida author?Bob Tarte said in this interview with Jane Friedman:
?For me the introvert-extrovert thing doesn?t apply a whole lot to online activity.?What?s more introverted than sitting alone in a room and typing with the shades down??
ACTION STEP ? Connect with readers all from behind the comfort of your computer in the following ways?
3. Be helpful and generous with reviews and comments on blogs and forums.
I would actually argue that introverts have the advantage here since they are usually good listeners by nature. Offer up advice and answer questions, or leave thoughtful comments on blogposts and you?ll find that you?ll build your network easier than you could imagine. Sales come as a natural result.
ACTION STEP ? Subscribe to your favorite book and writing blogs or join a few forums where your readers hang out. Commit to spending 15-20 minutes each weekday morning commenting while you enjoy your first coffee or some breakfast.
4. Keep a file or list of achievements close by!
In some cases introversion is?a?result of low self-confidence. As someone who considers them self part-introvert, part-extrovert I know that from experience I feel most introverted when I?m feeling down on myself. With personal experience in mind, I know that focussing on how far I?ve come, as well as the ?positive feedback I?ve received (yup a little self-bragging) can certainly help me feel more outgoing and social. Print off your favorite review, email, or positive words from a reader or friend, and read it to remind yourself why you?re putting the book out there to people in the first place.
ACTION STEP ? Go print out your brags and put them in a drawer near your desk (or on your wall if you?re feeling proud!)
5. Separate yourself from your work and your identity from your book.
This is easier said than done, especially when we know that using ourselves as part of the ?brand? is so important in today?s publishing industry. But having a strong identity outside of your book and writing ? that is, reminding yourself of your skills and positive strengths elsewhere in your life ? will mean that the natural ups and downs of marketing your book won?t hit so hard and you?ll be more willing to take risks and put yourself out there.
ACTION STEP ? Write out a list of 5 things you consider yourself good at outside of writing. Ask friends and family to contribute if you are drawing a blank.
How about you? Do you consider yourself shy or introverted? How has this affected your book marketing so far? I?d love to know what promotions you are comfortable with and what you avoid like the plague :). Leave a comment!
Laura Pepper Wu is the co-founder of 30 Day Books: a book studio. She has worked with a variety of authors to successfully promote their books, including many Amazon best-sellers. Laura is the author of wedding non-fiction guides and book marketing guides 77 Ways to Find New Readers for Your Self-Published Book and Fire Up Amazon!
Laura also runs Ladies Who Critique, a critique-partner finding site. When she's not working at the studio, you can find her walking her dog, "yoga-ing" or at a coffee shop in Seattle.
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Jan. 31, 2013 ? New research has shown the presence of a disease affecting small blood vessels, known as microangiopathy, in the bone marrow of diabetic patients. While it is well known that microangiopathy is the cause of renal damage, blindness and heart attacks in patients with diabetes, this is the first time that a reduction of the smallest blood vessels has been shown in bone marrow, the tissue contained inside the bones and the main source of stem cells.
These precious cells not only replace old blood cells but also exert an important reparative function after acute injuries and heart attacks. The starvation of bone marrow as a consequence of microangiopathy can lead to a less efficient healing in diabetic patients. Also, stem cells from a patient's bone marrow are the most used in regenerative medicine trials to mend hearts damaged by heart attacks. Results from this study highlight an important deficit in stem cells and supporting microenvironment that can reduce stem cells' therapeutic potential in diabetic patients.
The research team, led by Professor Paolo Madeddu, Chair of Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine in the School of Clinical Sciences and Bristol Heart Institute at the University of Bristol, investigated the effect of diabetes on bone marrow stem cells and the nurturing of small blood vessels in humans.
The new study, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation Research, was funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF).
The researchers have shown a profound remodelling of the marrow, which shows shortage of stem cells and surrounding vessels mainly replaced by fat, especially in patients with a critical lack of blood supply to a tissue (ischaemia). This means that, as peripheral vascular complications progress, more damage occurs in the marrow. In a vicious cycle, depletion of bone marrow stem cells worsens the consequences of peripheral ischaemia.
Investigation of underpinning mechanisms revealed that exposure of bone marrow stem cells to the high glucose level typical of diabetes mellitus impacts on "microRNAs," which are tiny RNA molecules controlling gene expression and hence biological functions. In particular, microRNA-155, that normally controls the production of stem cells, becomes dramatically reduced in bone marrow cells exposed to high glucose. Diabetes-induced deficits are corrected by reintroducing microRNA-155 in human stem cells. The authors foresee that microRNAs could be used to regain proper stem cells number in diabetes and fix stem cells before reintroduction into a patient's body.
Professor Paolo Madeddu said: "Our study draws attention to the bone marrow as a primary target of diabetes-induced damage. The research suggests that the severity of systemic vascular disease has an impact on bone marrow causing a precocious senescence of stem cells. More severe bone marrow pathologies can cause, or contribute to, cardiovascular disease and lead to worse outcomes after a heart attack, through the shortage of vascular regenerative cells. Clinical evidence indicates that achieving a good control of glucose levels is fundamental to prevent vascular complications, but is less effective in correcting microangiopathy. We need to work hard to find new therapies for mending damaged microvessels."
Professor Costanza Emanueli, Chair of Vascular Pathology and Regeneration at the University of Bristol and co-author of the paper, added: "MicroRNAs represent an attractive means to repair the marrow damage and generate "better" stem cells for regenerative medicine applications. We are working at protocols using microRNA targeting for enhancing the therapeutic potential of stem cells before their transplantation to cure heart and limb ischaemia, which are often associated with diabetes mellitus. More work is, however, necessary before using this strategy in patients."
The findings advance the current understanding of pathological mechanisms leading to collapse of the vascular niche and reduced availability of regenerative cells. The data provides a key for interpretation of diabetes-associated defect in stem cell mobilisation following a heart attack. In addition, the research reveals a new molecular mechanism that could in the future become the target of specific treatments to alleviate vascular complications in patients with diabetes.
Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director at the BHF said: "Professor Madeddu and his team have shown for the first time that the bone marrow in patients with diabetes can't release stem cells which are important for the repair of blood vessel damage commonly found in people with the disease.
"If we could restore the ability of the marrow to release stem cells there is potential to reduce the effects of diabetes, and prevent the devastating consequences of the condition such as blindness and amputation. Understanding more about injured blood vessel repair will also aid in the fight to mend hearts damaged after a heart attack, a vital research area we fund through our Mending Broken Hearts Appeal."
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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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January 30th, 2013
In Spring 2013, I will offer a new course at UCLA?s Anderson School of Management with the lofty title of ?Real Estate Investment and the Development of Sustainable Cities?. ? ? Here is the course blurb; ?This course applies key ideas from real estate economics and real estate finance to investigate the incentives of developers, urban politicians, and real estate investors?to produce ?green homes?, ?green communities? and ultimately ?sustainable cities?.?? Special attention will be paid to the opportunities from investing in energy efficient residential and commercial buildings and for developing and upgrading real estate in close proximity to public transit networks.? ?The course will embrace an international perspective to examine the rise of Eco-Friendly Cities in developed and developing nations.?
While I have already posted a preliminary syllabus here, ? I would appreciate hearing some advice about what topics and readings you would suggest including in such an experimental course. ?The students will not be Ph.Ds but they all will be graduate students from different branches of UCLA. ? The Anderson School has not offered this course before and if I screw this up ?it won?t be offered again!
Posted: Wednesday, January 30th, 2013 at
7:34 am
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We hope that our Deac families have been signing up for events for Spring Family Weekend (which will take place February 22-24 here on campus). ?If you haven?t registered, you can do that online via the Student Union website.
Reynolda House, Museum of American Art is featuring a really special event as part of Spring Family Weekend. ?I asked my colleagues there if they?d tell me a little ?bit more about the event, because the description on the Family Weekend website seemed intriguing, and they were kind enough to give me a better picture of the event. ?Here?s what they had to say.
Deacon Parents! Be sure to pack your ?Red Carpet? outfit for Spring Family Weekend (Feb. 22-24), because you are invited to attend Reynolda House?s exclusive Star Power Members Opening Party, kicking off our spring exhibition Star Power: Edward Steichen?s Glamour Photography. As chief photographer for Vogue and Vanity Fair in the 1920?s and 1930?s, Edward Steichen?s images elevated the stars of the 1920s and ?30s to Hollywood?s stars iconic status. ?We invite you to join us for this momentous night!
Bask in glamour as your family struts down the Star Power red carpet, immortalize the night as your portraits are snapped by the Museum?s paparazzi, and swing with period actors dressed in 1920?s garb to infectious jazz rhythms. ?Then, roam the gallery and enjoy cocktails and hors d?oeuvres as the winners are announced for our very own Academy Awards ceremony.
The exhibition will also showcase The Golden Age of Reynolda, during which the historic house?s basement was renovated as a chic party hall for entertainment. ?The Reynolds family gathered in designer evening gowns to enjoy their personal bowling alley, skating rink, indoor swimming pool, and bar. Furnishings, dresses, jewelry, and accessories will be on view in the gallery.
But wait, there?s more! Tickets to this sure-to-be fun event not only include admission for two adults and your Wake Forest student, but you will also receive a Dual/Family Membership to the Museum so you can enjoy Reynolda on your return visits to campus. Don?t miss your chance to embrace your inner-star with your son or daughter (students are free!).
Reynolda House Exhibition Opening Party
Star Power: Edward Steichen?s Glamour Photography
Friday, February 22, 7-9 p.m. | $100 per couple (includes Membership) Advanced purchase recommended.
A red-carpet exhibition opening for members of the Museum, this evening event is open to families of Wake Forest students for Spring Family Weekend.
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VVWRA representatives withe the coveted award.
By Staff Reports
(Hesperia) ? In another nod to transparency, the Finance Team for the Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority (VVWRA) has received the coveted Distinguished Budget Award from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA).
The award reflects the commitment of VVWRA to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting, according to the Association, which serves over 17,500 government finance professionals throughout North America. The agency had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation that assesses how well the budget serves as:
?The feats that our finance team has accomplished over the past several years are second to none,? remarked VVWRA General Manager Logan Olds. ?I couldn?t be more proud of our staff and their dedication to financial transparency.?
The agency?s finance team has also been recognized with a certificate of excellence from the GFOA for their Comprehensive Annual Financial Review (CAFR) for the past two years in a row.
The Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority is an independent agency that
is equally governed by leaders from its member agencies, which include Apple Valley, Hesperia, Victorville, Oro Grande and Spring Valley Lake.
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Rosecrance Health Network President and CEO Philip W. Eaton (left) and Dr. Bill Gorski, President and CEO of SwedishAmerican Health System, announce the partnership involving mental health care Wednesday, Jan. 30, at SwedishAmerican.
ROCKFORD ? Rosecrance Health Network and SwedishAmerican Health System have announced a new partnership to improve the continuum of mental ?health care services in northern Illinois. The partnership involves improvements in the delivery of both inpatient psychiatric care and outpatient behavioral health services.
Under an agreement approved by both organizations? boards of directors, Rosecrance will manage SwedishAmerican Hospital?s mental health unit. In this new model, SwedishAmerican continues its long-standing focus on inpatient psychiatric services. Nurses providing direct patient care will continue to be employed by the hospital, while the unit?s psychiatrists and therapists will become Rosecrance employees. Management of the unit will be provided by a director who is employed by Rosecrance, but reports to SwedishAmerican?s vice president of nursing.
In addition, Rosecrance has purchased SwedishAmerican?s outpatient behavioral health clinic, now located in Camelot Tower. On March 1, the clinic will close and its services will be integrated with existing Rosecrance operations through its affiliate, Aspen Counseling & Consulting.
Outpatient appointments will continue seamlessly; no interruption of service is expected. To accommodate the growth at Aspen, Rosecrance will announce a new location for outpatient services in the near future.
Patients will benefit from the SwedishAmerican-Rosecrance partnership through an expanded and more specialized base of providers, more comprehensive coverage for SwedishAmerican Hospital?s Emergency Department, additional case management alternatives and a tiered system that provides stronger alignment between mental health service options and patients? specific needs.
?Our partnership with Rosecrance will help us to more effectively bridge gaps in the current mental health care system, and ensure that patients receive the best possible care in the most appropriate setting, and in a timely fashion,? said SwedishAmerican President and CEO Dr. Bill Gorski. ?This is an excellent example of how two respected organizations are coming together to advance the continuity of mental health care in northern Illinois with creative solutions.?
Rosecrance President and CEO Philip W. Eaton said the organization?s Board of Directors believes the partnership with SwedishAmerican? will benefit the community and improve access to care by creating a more user-friendly system.
?The goal is to connect the dots between the acute care system and community-based services, creating a seamless transition between levels of care within the same network,? Eaton said. ?Every step of the way patients will be interacting with a unified team of clinical professionals who coordinate care under the same management system.?
SwedishAmerican is a not-for-profit, locally governed healthcare system, headquartered in Rockford, Illinois. The health system is comprised of two hospitals, 30 clinics, a home health care agency, and a foundation. Rosecrance, a private not-for-profit headquartered in Rockford, is one of the most comprehensive behavioral health networks in the state of Illinois. Rosecrance provides substance abuse and mental health treatment to more than 14,000 children, adolescents, adults and families each year. Rosecrance has facilities in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, along with six offices in Chicagoland.
Remarks from Philip W. Eaton, President and CEO of Rosecrance Health Network, made at the Jan. 30 announcement at SwedishAmerican Hospital in Rockford:
I am delighted to be here today for this announcement, which I sincerely believe is a significant step forward for our community in terms of mental health services.
The Rosecrance Health Network Board of Directors is excited to enter into this partnership with SwedishAmerican Health System. We believe it will improve access to care and create a more user-friendly system for patients.
Dr. Bill Gorski and I, along with our respective administrative teams, have spent many hours talking about the goals and details of this partnership. At every step of the way, the focus stayed on improving the continuity of care to people who come to us with behavioral health needs. We believe this agreement does just that. This partnership allows Rosecrance and SwedishAmerican to continue working side by side, even as each of us focuses on our strengths.
The goal is to connect the dots between the acute care system and community-based services, creating a seamless transition between levels of care within the same network.
As for the big picture, health care is changing in?the United States ? both in how it will be delivered and in how we engage patients. Rosecrance is working with primary healthcare providers to address behavioral health needs among patients. We already are delivering this kind of integrated care at several locations through a partnership with Crusader Community Health. And we are exploring possibilities with other healthcare providers for how integration and collaboration may improve overall patient care.
We are thrilled to move forward with SwedishAmerican through this partnership to integrate behavioral health and primary health services, improve access for patients and provide a better continuum of care.
Thank you.
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Baltimore Ravens safety Bernard Pollard speaks during media day for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)
Baltimore Ravens safety Bernard Pollard speaks during media day for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)
San Francisco 49ers tight end Vernon Davis answers reporters questions during media day for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)
San Francisco 49ers safety Dashon Goldson (38) smiles during media day for the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)
NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? Players on both Super Bowl teams say they are confused about when a hit is legal by NFL standards.
Rules designed to make the game safer are also making players uncertain about which hits are considered clean and which ones could lead to a fine.
San Francisco tight end Vernon Davis wondered if two-hand touch is in the future for the NFL.
"I think the rules will change a lot," he said Tuesday. "There's already no helmet to helmet. Might be flag football, maybe."
Baltimore Ravens safety Bernard Pollard, one of the league's hardest hitters, warned against trying to take collisions out of the game, as long as they are clean.
His 49ers counterpart, All-Pro Dashon Goldson, says defenders keep this in mind when they take the field:
"Do your best and then hope you don't get a letter (with a fine) in your locker on Wednesday," he said.
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When GM?s chairman and CEO walked into the Fairfax plant on Monday, he got his first look at the place that makes the car he uses, a Buick LaCrosse.
?That?s the one I drive in Detroit as a company car, and I own one. And I get to choose anything,? Daniel Akerson said.
Akerson also came with a gift, announcing that General Motors will invest $600 million in the plant. The automaker will use the money to build and equip a 450,000-square-foot paint shop and upgrade the plant?s stamping press, among other improvements.
The investment, according to the company, ranks among the largest it has ever made in an existing plant. It will account for 40 percent of the $1.5 billion that GM plans to invest this year in its North American plants.
?This company is coming out of the gate,? Akerson said in an interview with The Star. He said the improvements would make Fairfax a ?crown jewel of our manufacturing universe.?
The investment is not expected to add jobs but is instead GM?s affirmation of a future for the plant and its workforce of 3,900 hourly and salaried employees. Akerson said the current paint shop is nearing the end of its useful life. Not replacing it would have condemned Fairfax to obsolescence.
?We would not invest $600 million in a plant that we didn?t think would be here for a long time,? he said. ?This is a statement of permanence.?
The investment is significantly higher than the $120 million in industrial revenue bonds that the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kan., had approved last summer for the project.
Mayor Joe Reardon, who in 2009 was worried that the plant would close because of GM?s bankruptcy, knew that the automaker would spend much more on the plant but just not how much until the $600 million figure was announced.
?It?s a great day for Kansas City, Kansas, to know we will retain Fairfax for the long haul,? Reardon said.
The $600 million puts the Fairfax plant on sure footing along with Ford Motor Co.?s Claycomo plant. Last year Ford completed a $1.1 billion stamping plant at Claycomo to make metal body parts for the Transit Connect. Claycomo is slated to start building the commercial van later this year.
GM?s investment also ranks among the largest of any kind made recently in the area. The huge new Honeywell complex, which will make parts for nuclear weapons, will cost $1 billion to build and equip. The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, completed in 2011, cost $400 million.
The Fairfax announcement comes at a crucial time for GM as it moves from a fight for survival to rebuilding itself and improving the vehicles it sells. The company was in a financial mess in 2009, when a government-managed bankruptcy and bailout saved it from insolvency. Critics questioned whether the bailout would fix the automaker?s problems.
On Monday, some supporters of the bailout couldn?t resist saying that it had worked and that a major industrial company had been saved. One result, they said, was that Fairfax remained a place for workers to earn enough to be part of the middle class.
?This is important not just for this state but for the country,? said Joe Ashton, a national vice president for the United Auto Workers, who spoke Monday at Fairfax. ?The middle class is what made this country.?
Gov. Sam Brownback told the roughly 500 GM employees and local and state officials who gathered Monday at the plant that the investment was a wonderful announcement.
?Manufacturing is coming back in the U.S.,? said Brownback, a Republican. ?We build great things in Kansas, and with GM?s commitment, it means we will continue to do so.?
GM, the second-largest automaker behind Toyota, has had 11 consecutive profitable quarters. Quickening the cadence of improvements, GM this year will unveil redesigns or upgrades to about 70 percent of its vehicles. The Buick LaCrosse is set for a major upgrade, and the Chevrolet Malibu, also made at Fairfax, will be refreshed with styling changes inspired by the new Chevy Impala.
The new paint shop will use 50 percent less energy per vehicle and more environmentally friendly paint. Instead of fans that blow heated air to dry the paint, the new shop will use radiant tubes patented by GM. One process will improve a vehicle?s coating to prevent rust.
Akerson said such improvements were part of GM?s efforts to make better cars and light trucks.
?We don?t want to be competitive. We want to be great,? he said.
In 2012, GM?s global sales rose about 3 percent, and Chevrolet sold a record number of vehicles. The federal government, which invested about $50 billion to help save the company, has said it will sell its remaining stake in the company within 14 months.
But the turnaround is a work in progress. The 17.9 percent share of the U.S. market that GM snagged last year was its smallest in decades. And Fairfax idled production of the Malibu in December because of ballooning stockpiles.
Akerson said the company has changed in many ways from the old GM. It now pays executive bonuses based partly on the quality of the cars produced. Labor relations also have improved, and the UAW made many contributions, including in 2011, when it agreed that GM?s hourly employees would not get pay raises in return for profit sharing.
Akerson is known as a tough executive who speaks his mind. He once called the Toyota Prius a ?geek-mobile.? In his remarks Monday at Fairfax, he noted that the Kansas City Chiefs will get the first pick in this year?s NFL Draft.
?You need it,? he said.
Akerson concluded by saying that if GM executes its plans flawlessly, it would become the world?s most valuable automaker, would be recognized as a great place to work and have loyal and enthusiastic owners, and that would ?make GM great once again.?
?Let?s make this our legacy.?
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Three-digit weight loss is the automotive game du jour, and the benefits of spunkier performance and thriftier fuel economy are but a few of the upsides sought when engineers shed ballast in redesigned rides. After all, every 220 pounds of weight loss translate to an approximately 2 percent improvement in mpgs, and everybody loves a sprightlier drive.
Land Rover's nearly three-ton Range Rover was a prime candidate for slimming down when it faced a fourth-gen redesign, and no weld went unturned in the effort of lightening the hefty Landie. By replacing the hulking chassis with an aluminum structure incorporating 270 pressings, 9 extrusions, 4 tubular braces, and 34 cavity baffles, 397 pounds of fat were jetissoned, contributing to a total weight loss of a staggering 700 or so pounds-- the biggest slim-down we've seen in recent memory. Its carryover powerplants are able to hurtle the hulking SUV to 60 mph in as quickly as 5.1 seconds, nearly a full second faster than its predecessor.
While the newest Range Rover enjoys a deceptively compact footprint-- the tall sport 'ute is only 2.9 inches longer than an Audi A6-- the benefits of what Land Rover calls a "virtuous circle of weight reduction" are more than dynamic; they're mighty handy, especially since the corporate average fuel economy requirement of 54.5 mpgs by 2025 looms large.
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Researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery have identified a potential new target for drugs to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a protein known as IRHOM2. The finding could provide an effective and potentially less toxic alternative therapy to tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers (TNF-blockers), the mainstay of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, and could help patients who do not respond to this treatment. Efforts to develop drugs that hone in on this new target are underway.
"This study is an elegant example of the capacity of basic science cell biologists to work with translational rheumatologists to address a clinically relevant question at a basic level," said Jane Salmon, M.D., Collette Kean Research Chair and co-director, Mary Kirkland Center for Lupus Research at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City, and an author of the study. "We have identified a clinically relevant target that can be applied to patients in the near term." The study will appear online, ahead of print, on January 25, in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and in the February 2013 print issue.
Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease, is triggered, in large part, by TNF-alpha, a small signaling protein usually involved in launching protective systemic inflammatory responses. With excessive TNF production, however, immune cells can become activated inappropriately and cause tissue inflammation. This produces a number of diseases, including RA. While TNF-blockers help many RA patients, these treatments are very expensive, and some patients do not respond. For this reason, researchers have been searching for alternative targets in patients with inflammatory diseases against which drugs can be directed.
"TNF can be thought of as a balloon tethered to the surface of cells. To work, it must be cut loose by signaling scissors called TACE (TNF-alpha converting enzyme)," said Carl Blobel, M.D., Ph.D., program director of the Arthritis and Tissue Degeneration Program at HSS. While blocking TACE could be another way to treat rheumatoid arthritis, researchers know this strategy would likely have side effects since patients lacking TACE are prone to skin infections and intestinal lesions.
Earlier this year, HSS investigators demonstrated that the TACE scissors are regulated by molecules called IRHOM1 and IRHOM2, which are thought to wrap around TACE and help it mature into functional scissors. They also demonstrated that mice that are genetically engineered to lack IRHOM2 lack functional TACE on the surface of their immune cells and don't release TNF. Surprisingly, these mice are healthy, and do not develop skin or intestinal defects.
In the current study, HSS researchers set out to investigate why this paradox exists. After examining tissues of IRHOM2-deficient mice, they found that IRHOM2 regulates TACE on immune cells, whereas IRHOM1 is responsible for helping TACE mature elsewhere in the body, such as in brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung and spleen cells. "IRHOM2 appears to have a more restrictive and exclusive function in immune cells," said Dr. Blobel.
The researchers then set out to determine whether blocking IRHOM2 could be a strategy to treat RA. They used a mouse model that mimics human rheumatoid arthritis in mice genetically engineered to be deficient in IRHOM2. They found that these rodents did not develop inflammatory arthritis and were otherwise healthy.
"When we tested mice that don't have IRHOM2 in a model for inflammatory arthritis, we found they were protected and they were protected as well as mice that didn't have any TNF," said Dr. Blobel. "Because TNF is the driver of rheumatoid arthritis in human disease, as evidenced by how well anti-TNF drugs work, we feel that this provides a completely new angle on blocking TNF release. It would be wonderful to be able to inactivate TACE in a tissue-specific manner and IRHOM2 provides a unique mechanism for us to do so."
Using drugs that inactivate IRHOM2 in humans, clinicians will be able to block the function of TACE only in immune cells. "We can prevent the deleterious contribution of TACE to rheumatoid arthritis patients and preserve its protective function in skin and intestines," said Dr. Blobel. "With IRHOM2, we have a unique and unprecedented opportunity to inactive TACE only in certain cell types, and not in others, and there is currently no other effective way of doing that."
The researchers say the next step is to identify antibodies or pharmacological compounds that can be used to block the function of IRHOM2 and are safe in patients. These HSS investigators are currently working to identify and test such agents. "In theory, IRHOM2-targeted drugs will have less toxicity than TNF alpha blockers," said Dr. Salmon. "They block TNF release only from specific cells, those known to contribute to joint inflammation and damage."
Hospital for Special Surgery:
Thanks to Hospital for Special Surgery for this article.
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3 hrs.
Rosa Golijan , NBC News
Since Vine, Twitter's video-sharing service, launched on Thursday, it's been plagued by all sorts of woes. We noticed that it lacks privacy settings and?abuse prevention measures, Facebook prevented it from finding any friends through the social network, and now ... well, now pornographic?content has slipped?into Vine's?"Editor's Picks" section.
Vine's a rather neat service, in theory. If you've got an iOS device, you can create and share Vine videos. All you have to do is point your iPhone (or iPod Touch) at something and press your finger to the screen to record a clip up to six seconds in length (both sound and motion are captured, of course). Once done, you can share it to Vine, Twitter and Facebook. You can also use the app to browse through popular videos and those featured as "Editor's Picks."
And that's where Vine's latest troubles appear. On Monday morning, a video shared by "nsfwvine" ??an account created for the sole purpose of posting pornographic videos to Vine (hence the "Not Safe For Work" part of the name)???received the service's "Editor's Pick" badge of honor.
While the video did lose the "Editor's Pick" badge later in the morning, it was not removed from the service. Instead, it now carries a warning message declaring that the video?"may contain sensitive content" and requires a tap to be viewed. (From what we can tell, this warning message is automatically added to videos which are reported as inappropriate by Vine users.)
We have reached out to Twitter for more information regarding how the video in question?? which shows a young woman and a?sex toy?? was chosen as an "Editor's Pick." We wondered if some sort of automated process may be involved in the selection. A Twitter spokesperson explained that an actual person was actually to blame. "A human error resulted in a video with adult content becoming one of the videos in Editor's Picks," she wrote in an email to NBC News. "[U]pon realizing this mistake we removed the video immediately. We apologize to our users for the error."
We have also contacted Apple, as we suspect the Cupertino-based company is probably not all too happy about pornographic content being?prominently?featured in an iOS app. (It has banned apps for far less racy issues in the past.)
In the meantime, obscene material continues to flood into Vine. Several accounts ? including "nsfwvine" ? have been posting pornographic clips since Vine launched last week. Not all of porn clips?carry the "sensitive content" warning yet and it's not clear if any have been removed so far.
"Wow. How did this happen, Vine?" a user asked?on one of the videos, while another wondered "[c]an I flag this as inappropriate more than once?"
Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.
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Press Secretary Jay Carney briefs reporters at the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
Press Secretary Jay Carney briefs reporters at the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
FILE - In this Oct. 5, 2011 file photo, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks at the Newseum in Washington. In an opinion piece published Sunday Jan. 27, 2013 in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Rubio wrote that the existing system amounts to "de facto amnesty," and he called for "commonsense reform." (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, File)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Key Democratic and Republican senators are pledging to get a wide-ranging immigration bill through the Senate by summer even as they point to numerous pitfalls ahead.
The group of eight senators unveiled proposals Monday to secure the border, allow more guest workers, require tougher verification measures by employers and create a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country.
They expressed optimism they can succeed where numerous past efforts have failed. Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona said November's election losses show Republicans they need to take steps to win over Latino voters.
But the senators quickly encountered a cool reaction from other lawmakers, including Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who said immigration legislation is too important to be written in a back room.
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>>> a dramatic rescue this weekend in eastern australia , which has also been dealing with widespread flooding, when a pickup truck carrying two women and a baby washed off a road. a helicopter had to be called in because the child was too small for a regular rescue sling. he was placed in a dive balancing and then hoisted up. the whole thing filmed by the crew of that helicopter on a helmet-mounted camera.
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TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? Derek Jeter has worked out on a baseball field for the first time since breaking his left ankle last October.
The 38-year-old New York Yankees captain fielder 55 grounders on the grass in front of the infield dirt at shortstop Monday at the team's minor league complex. He also hit in a batting cage.
"Everything went well," Jeter says.
The 13-time All-Star expects to start in New York's opener against Boston on April 1. This is the time of year Jeter usually starts his onfield pre-spring training routine.
Jeter broke the ankle lunging for a grounder in the AL championship series opener against Detroit on Oct. 13. He had surgery a week later, and the Yankees said recovery time would be four to five months.
Jeter has been walking on an underwater treadmill at the team's facility since early January.
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Sex and the Sundance Film Festival is not a new equation. In fact, sex and this Sundance Film Festival isn't a new equation. It's been a talking point since before the festival even started.
Leading into this year's festival, The Sutherland Institute, a super-conservative group (even for super-conservative Utah), said that state funding for Sundance should be cut on the grounds that its sexually explicit content doesn't jive with Utah?s "family values."
In this blog post a week before the festival kicked off,?Sutherland?public policy?director?Derek Monson?said:
"For the sake of public decency and encouraging a free, moral society, the state of Utah should end its 'complex relationship' with the Sundance Film Festival. The festival?s organizers can continue to promote their goals without being dependent on taxpayers, and Utah taxpayers do not have to endorse films that are obscene and contrary to their values."
It's doubtful Monson's hissy fit will effect any future editions of Sundance.
?Sometimes the narrowest mind barks the loudest, and we?ve over time come to ignore it,? Sundance founder Robert Redford proclaimed at the festival's opening day press conference. ?It?s a free country and maybe they should look at the Constitution.?
And he's right. But either way, one has to wonder if Monson or his fellow Sutherland Institute-ites had any idea how much this edition of the festival would go against his so-called "family values."?
Dubbed by many as "Porndance," the 2013 edition of Sundance proved an endlessly and uniquely sexual affair which has brought forth considerable chatter from festivalgoers and countless "sex at Sundance"-themed articles from the mainstream media.
But now that the festival is coming to an official close, let's take a closer look at the relationship between sex and Sundance 2013, because it's a fascinating one. And reducing it to a "Porndance" headline simply doesn't it do it justice.
There was certainly some sexual themes characteristic of any given Sundance this year. Youthful sexual awakenings are a festival staple, and they were plentiful: Miles Teller taking Shailene Woodley's virginity in "The Spectacular Now;" Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen looking to lose their virginity in their final summer before college in "Very Good Girls;" Daniel Radcliffe portraying Allen Ginsberg's budding queer sexuality through his relationship with Dane DeHaan's Lucien Carr in "Kill Your Darlings." But as the countless arrows on all of Sundance's official trailers, posters and merchandise made clear, this year's programming was all about moving forward, and sexuality was no exception.
One of the films that the Sutherland Institute -- without having actually seen it -- used as a primary example of why Utah needs to stop funding Sundance was Anne Fontaine's "Two Mothers." The film is adapted from Doris Lessing's true story-based novella "The Grandmothers" and depicts two lifelong best friends (Naomi Watts and Robin Wright) who begin knowingly having sexual relationships with each other's teenage surfer sons (Xavier Samuel and James Frecheville).
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20 hrs.
Ben Popken, NBC News contributor
Call them super leaks, super teasers or super previews. But for a growing number of Super Bowl advertisers, they are super smart business.
For years, Super Bowl commercials were closely guarded secrets until they aired on the biggest ratings day of the year. These days, companies have discovered that teasing them online in advance of the big day is a more efficient way of getting their brand message in front of the masses.
CBS, which will broadcast Super Bowl XLVII on?Feb. 3, sold 30-second ad slots for up to $4 million, so it?s no wonder advertisers try to squeeze every drop of value out of their investment.
"We are seeing more teasers because they have been effective," said?Steve Posavac, professor of marketing at Vanderbilt University. "This year, many advertisers feel that if they don?t release a teaser, they will fail to gain consumers? mindshare, and that their ads will be lost in the clutter."
Mercedes-Benz roared out of the starting line first last week, with its spot featuring Kate Upton. Strutting in daisy dukes and a low cut tank top, the striking supermodel blows suds in slow motion at a group of guys as they wash her Benz and ogle her frame, mouths agape.
Though it shows less skin than a standard shampoo commercial -- and seems demure in comparison to?Upton's past backseat turn for Carl's Jr.?last year ? it has already drummed up plenty of buzz. As of Friday night, the teaser racked has up more than 4.6 million YouTube views.
That?s right, more than a week before the San Francisco 49ers face the Baltimore Ravens, Mercedes-Benz?s ad is already a success. And, thanks to the Parents? Television Council, we have the first Super Bowl controversy.
"This ad [reinforces] for millions of wives, daughters and sisters across the country that you use your sex appeal to get what you want," a Parents' Television Council spokesperson told the Daily Mail, complaining that the ad "isn't selling cars, it?s selling sexual objectification."
The sound bite provided global media outlets (ours included) the perfect news hook. In the following days, the ad has been discussed, analyzed, and played over and over again, at no cost to the Mercedes. Talk about return on investment!
The luxury German automaker isn?t the only player in this game. Coca-Cola, Sketchers, Wonderful Pistachios (with 'Gagngam Style' superstar Psy) and MiO (with Tracy Morgan) have released previews.
Coke is also making a huge social media play with its "Mirage" campaign. In it, three quirky character-driven groups -- show girls, badlanders, and cowboys -- race across an African desert to be the first to reach the thirst-quenching Coca-Cola oasis. A preview spot is circulating online encouraging viewers to vote online to determine which group ends up winning in the final spot. Online surfers can either vote by "old-fashioned" online button clicking, or vote-casting with the Twitter hashtags #CokeCowboys, #CokeShowgirls and #CokeBadlanders.
The beverage giant?s advertising company has also cooked up animated gifs, "sabotage videos" and other content ready-made for Tweeting, Tumbling, Instagramming, and Facebooking.?
Indeed,?Coke?has come a long way from Mean Joe Greene?s jersey toss in Coke?s legendary commercial 34 years ago.
The reason for the big social push is simple: More shares equal more views, which equals more brand exposure.
"Without a social media component, a Super Bowl ad is worthless," said?David Johnson, CEO of public relations agency Strategic Vision.
Social has risen and advertisers are rising to meet it.
"Three quarters of the audience will be on a 'second screen' during the Super Bowl,? said Ankarino Lara, chief product officer for Thismoment, which builds branded online content distribution software. "The biggest brands recognize the audience shift and plan mobile and on live elements in their campaigns."
According to data by the Unruly Viral Video Chart, the "Billboard 100 of viral videos," 75 percent of the top 20 most-shared ads from Super Bowl 2012 went up online before game day;? 55 percent of sharing happened after March 1, 2012; and total Super Bowl ads shares increased by 129 percent from 2011 to 2012.
Audi is taking a similar "choose your own adventure" approach as Coke's. On Thursday night, it posted the beginning of its ad, showing a kid driving to his high school prom dateless but in his dad's new 2013 Audi S6 high-performance sports sedan. The German automaker also uploaded three versions of the ending, giving viewers 24 hours to vote on which one will make the final cut.
Other companies are also hopping on the social bandwagon:?
Advertisers still have plenty of tricks up their sleeves, though, and some are deliberately taking an "anti-leak" strategy that still has an eye on Twitter impact.
"Some advertisers are holding back ads for a 'surprise' factor and for the instant chatter that will take place on social media during the game," said Katherine Wintsch, founder of The Mom Complex, an Interpublic Group of Companies unit focused on marketing to mothers.
Brands still place a premium on using the Super Bowl as the ultimate stage for product debuts; Anheuser-Busch is going to debut two new drinks at the game: Budweiser Black Crown and Beck's Sapphire.
"I don?t know what it is, but everyone finds humor in dog ads or baby ads," John Yorke, President of creative firm Rain 43, said. "Last year, we saw lots of both ? and the highest rated ads came from these categories ? so if it ain?t broke, don?t fix it ? expect to see more of this trend."?
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Nearly 70 years after the end of the Second World War, a Holocaust archive in Germany is helping victims and survivors of Nazi atrocities to find clues about the past -- and is still reuniting families. NBC News' Andy Eckardt reports from Bad Arolsen, Germany.
By Andy Eckardt, Producer, NBC News
BAD AROLSEN, Germany -- Wilhelm Thiem may be 72 but he celebrated his first real birthday in November.
Abducted in Poland by Nazi troops at age two, Thiem has spent most of his life on a painful journey, seeking to discover his true name and identity.?
Until just a few months ago, the retired entrepreneur had not known his birth date, where he was born, what had happened to his mother or whether he had any other family members.
"I hardly knew anything about my personal history," Thiem said.?"I always felt like an outsider, it was a feeling of not belonging in this world."
Thiem was raised by a foster parent in northern Germany who was appointed by the Nazis to take care of the young child. Thiem called her "Mrs. Huebner" but was later officially adopted and given her maiden name.
At age 12, Thiem learned that Mrs. Huebner was not his real mother. He started asking her about his past, wanting to learn more about his family, but his questions remained unanswered. For decades, his personal history remained a mystery.
Early last year, Thiem came across a newspaper article about the International Tracing Service?(ITS), an organization that maintains a vast archive of files related to more than 17.5 million victims of the Holocaust and Nazi oppression.
"At first the ITS researchers told me that they could not find any documents with my name on them," Thiem recalled. "But then they contacted the Red Cross in Poland and in the end, there were some leads."
'Very emotional moment'
After several months of research, Thiem was informed that he had been born in Lodz, Poland, and that his birth name was Zbigniew Wilhelm Katmierczak.
For the first time in his life, Thiem held a birth certificate in his hands that gave him an identity.
"It was a very emotional moment," Thiem recalled. "Both my wife and I could not hold back tears."
Researchers revealed that his mother was also sent to Germany as a forced laborer but later returned to Poland. She eventually married a Frenchman and relocated to France.
Thiem was also told of a surviving aunt, who still lives in his Polish hometown.
He is now anxiously making plans for a trip to Lodz with his wife for a very special family reunion.
"I am hoping to learn more facts, maybe find other family members," Thiem said. "Maybe I can find traces of my mother and father.?All of this is of huge interest to me, it means so much."
Established by Allies in the final days of the Second World War and originally run by the Red Cross, the ITS helps to uncover the fates of Holocaust victims and others who suffered under the Nazi regime.
The archive in Bad Arolsen is said to be the largest storage facility of documents related to the Holocaust. It includes 30 million documents in 16 miles of shelves housing information about Holocaust survivors, displaced persons, slave laborers and political refugees from former Eastern Bloc countries.
Over the past 50 years, the ITS has answered more than 10 million requests. About 1,000 search requests continue to trickle in to the archive monthly.
"Many people still do not know what has become of their loved ones,"?said Dr. Ingeborg Berggreen-Merkel from Germany's federal commission of culture. "Even decades after the end of the Holocaust and the war, there is this persisting uncertainty, which results from the fact that part of one's own history remains untold."?
Visitors to the archive come into direct contact with the bureaucracy of mass murder.
Its meticulous records include concentration camp files, "deportation cards," patient records and a post-war index of non-German citizens. Its researchers plow through the stacks of yellowing paper, registering and scanning as many of the historic documents as possible. More than 95 percent have now been digitized.
But due to concerns about the victims' privacy, the ITS and the German government kept the files closed to the public for half a century. While search requests have been accepted since the end of the war, the archive was initially not "open source."
Following public pressure from survivor groups, historians and researchers, who called for public access to the archives, the ITS Commission -- consisting of 11 member states -- declared itself in favor of opening up Bad Arolsen in 1998.
Yet, scholars and researchers were only given access to the documents beginning in 2007.
"I think it was criminal that the documents were not opened up earlier," said Holocaust survivor and U.S. judge Thomas Buergenthal. He was able to find?records of his father's ordeal in the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald at Bad Arolsen.
"This archive is my father's only memorial, we have no other," Buergenthal added.
But although time has claimed many eyewitnesses, the archive is still helping to reunite survivors of Nazi terror -- such as Thiem and his long lost aunt. She remembers her nephew -- who is now an elderly man -- as a "little child."
"I spent a lifetime wondering who I really am, now I know," Thiem said.
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Congratulations! You just won a workers? compensation case because you had strong evidence that the employee?s injury wasn?t caused by anything that happened at work. Now get ready for round No. 2.
If the employee appeals, be sure to ask for attorneys? fees. Under the right circumstances, you?ll be entitled to payment.
Recent case: Christopher developed acute myelogenous leukemia when he was 33 and sued his most recent employer for workers? compensation benefits. He alleged that his illness was caused by workplace exposure to benzene, a chemical that can sometimes trigger cancer like his.
But the employer presented compelling evidence that none of the processes Christopher worked on involved benzene, and that any ex?posure at work would at most have been 1/2000th of the limit OSHA considers safe. Plus, the evidence suggested that the type of cancer Christopher developed was based more on genetics and cigarette exposure than benzene.
Christopher?s case was dismissed, but he appealed, arguing that his ?expert witness? presented evidence from science journals published in the 1950s showing a connection between benzene and cancer.
The employer asked for attorneys? fees if he lost the appeal.
The court refused to overturn the decision and ordered the North Caro??lina Industrial Commission to determine whether Christopher should pay the employer?s legal fees for a frivolous appeal. (Scearce v. Chemtek, No. COA12-345, Court of Appeals of North Carolina, 2012)
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