Thursday, May 17, 2012

Go Paperless for Nonprofit Success

Are you keeping paper files of every contribution received and transaction your nonprofit performs? If so, you are probably devoting a large amount of storage space and time filing all this paperwork which adds up to extra expense. Managing a paperless office is widely regarded as a crucial practice for many successful nonprofits.

If disaster strikes, a paper-based organization?s most critical information is left vulnerable to total loss. Having an online electronic document storage system is vital to maintaining the safety and integrity of your records. With instant access and the ability to share documents across the entire organization, everyone in the organization can always get the information they need when they need it, increasing efficiency. This is quite a time-saver during audit time. You will no longer have to look through file cabinets and stacks of paper to find what you need.

Making the switch to paperless in your nonprofit now will save you money, time and stress in the long run.

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