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New Obama debt six trillion dollars I knew we make that promise that -- senator no quit because he does -- every year to means nothing.
Well -- -- actually suggests that promise is one of the few true things he said he said nothing he would propose tonight would increase the debt.
My one single dime he's right when he proposed tonight would increase the debt by over a trillion dollars which he's done.
Every single year he's been president when he became president.
The national debt was ten trillion dollars today at sixteen and a half trillion dollars and tonight he did not propose even -- single spending cut.
-- -- -- -- not that many think.
As our focus group to show tonight senator I think the big story the night's going to be -- -- response I thought that was the best response to a State of the Union Address.
That I've ever seen.
And it very different competing visions and in the focus group.
The people like overwhelmingly.
Marco Rubio is vision for the future of the country vs Barack Obama -- until those interest in what's your reaction.
Well Marco Rubio is a tremendous communicate here and a very bright star of our party and I think it presented a sharp contrast to President Obama.
You know shown President Obama had an opportunity here.
He could have tried to reach across the aisle and find some bipartisan cooperation to get our economy going to get jobs back.
Instead he decided to inspiration.
On and -- liberalism.
It seems this president.
Only knows how to grow government he has no idea how to grow the economy.
Well he said.
You don't deficit reduction is not an economic plan I was a big quoted his for the night where -- got to get -- it tax deductions or loopholes why don't interpret tax reform.
Or getting rid of tax deductions and loopholes while I interpret that as another tax increase which by the way still advocating for.
Tonight -- he just got a big tax increase.
The last four years the Obama policies has not worked we have seen economic growth of zero point 8%.
Our historic averages 3.3 percent in yet what he proposed tonight more and more spending debt and higher taxes and more and more government control in the economy.
You know the saddest thing shown.
If the policies of the presidents were adopted.
It would make it harder for the 23 million people out of work to find jobs it would make it harder for young people coming out of school to find their first jobs it would make it harder.
For Hispanics and African Americans trying to climb the economic ladder.
To work for and achieve the economic dream these policies don't work.
And President Obama unfortunately rather than work in a bipartisan way to create jobs just wants to keep on growing government.
-- few things that he said tonight really frustrated me senator because it just not true I mean.
More oil all that where manufacturing and then been taking out of home in fifteen years that -- -- -- to do with his policies.
That's private lands in North Dakota where that's happening and that he said that people's energy bills are lower.
I see does he ever fill up that big limousine that we pay for apparently not yet because the price -- gas is double.
It's the nice thing about Air Force One he doesn't have to pay the fuel bill I'll tell you Americans -- when he was elected the cost of gas was about a buck eighty a gallon.
It's now four dollars a gallon in this administration -- put.
Every barrier they could to energy production to getting us energy self sufficient and take for example his proposal on cap and trade.
What that would do is drive up the energy costs for every family in America he flip on the light -- if you start a car he -- -- daily.
Experience your daily life harder more challenging it would kill jobs every policy -- it expands government and kills private sector job.
To -- that's the thing I mean everything was about government salvation and -- governments the answer is almost like a drug take him.
But he keeps going back and he uses the same talking points the same false narrative.
You know -- balanced approach fair share we can't cut our way it is prosperity -- -- -- center.
-- help me out with his -- but this he says they reduce the deficit by 2.5.
Trillion when -- -- six trillion to the national.
Yet been in four years.
How do you come up with that Washington -- -- -- -- calculated as an -- that way.
At and look comedy can -- -- I'm not nearly Smart enough to understand is massive what I know spending is out of control -- out of control.
And it's jeopardizing the future for our kids I've got two little girls who -- foreign to.
And the idea of handing them a sixteen trillion dollar debt.
I think is in more.
And unfortunately.
Is a man who doesn't seem to know where jobs come from look at his proposals government is going to pick.
Ten sites or twelve sites are twenty sites and we're gonna go create jobs.
Planning look at the economies that have done the Soviet Union Cuba anytime you have centralized government saying.
We're gonna decide what jobs to support you know what you get to get a lot of Solyndra to get a lot of failed cronyism.
Rather than keeping government in check.
And letting small businesses thrive that's what's made America strong and will get growth back.
None of these problems get solved.
And I wish the president could focus on growth and jobs because that's where -- tensions are -- said senator Ted Cruz but Texas senator -- always appreciate you being on thank you.
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