Sunday, February 3, 2013

Feds trim $106K in back pay from Midland landscaper ? Business ...

Seventy current and former landscaping employees will rake in $106,818 following a U.S. Depart??ment of Labor investigation of their Midland employer?s wage-and-hour practices.

Wage and Hour Division investi?gators found that the company, Turf Specialties, vio??lated just about every key requirement of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The company paid employees a fixed, biweekly salary that frequently amounted to less than the federal minimum wage.

Investigators uncovered evidence that the company failed to pay overtime when em??ployees worked more than 40 hours per week.

Turf Specialties also made improper deductions from employees? paychecks for uniforms, broken tools and equipment damage. Also, employees designated as crew leaders were improperly classified as exempt employees from the FLSA?s overtime provision.

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