Monday, August 13, 2012

hubevents: Energy (and Other) Events - August 12, 2012

Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents ? the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events email?


Election 2012: ?Will Voting Machine Errors Affect the Final Count?



Monday, August 13


The Boston Wikipedia Meetup Group Monthly Meetup
Mon Aug 13
7:00 PM
Clover Food Lab7 Holyoke St., Cambridge
RSVP at?

Tuesday, August 14


FREE Webinar: The Art of Small Biz SEO

Tuesday August 14, 2012?

12pm PDT / 3pm EDT

Register at?

Lorna Li

Low Cost Tactics to Attract More Ideal Customers Online

86% of all consumers use search engines.?In fact, most people START their shopping process with Google research. ?If you show up in organic search results for the keywords your target customers is typing into Google, that?s?FREE traffic. ?But it takes effort to show up on the first page for those keywords ? you need to create content and get links to that content.

Furthermore,?Google is constantly changing?its algorithm, which can seriously impact your search engine traffic. What used to work last year, no longer works, or might even?hurt your website?this year. ?Finally, as a small business, you may find it really?tough to compete against larger competitors?with budgets that sustain firehose of content and teams dedicated to promoting that content.?Don?t Lose Hope!

Get Ready to Turn Your Website Into a Customer Magnet

The great news is, once you create your core pages of content, if you follow some basic guidelines, your website will continue to?attract targeted visitors all by itself. ?In this?small business SEO webinar?we?ll cover powerful, low cost ways small businesses can get on the map, and increase visibility in search engines. Discover:

The?Number #1 SEO Mistake?that small businesses make that creates a colossal waste of time & money

3 Powerful ways?small businesses can use to outshine big competitors in a crowded landscape

5 low cost methods to creating killer content?that attracts visitors & makes you irresistible to customers

Why the MOST overlooked aspect of your website?is the secret to saving time, money, and energy trying to promote your business online.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Link Building?that can destroy your beloved business website.

PLUS BONUS Resources to Help You Grow Your Green Business

When you sign up for this?FREE SEO Webinar, you?ll receive the Green Marketing TV newsletter, which includes?7 days of powerful marketing strategies, PLUS?The Sustainable Branding Kit, for?FREE. Here?s a sneak peek:

3 Powerful secrets?to creating a strong sustainable brand with?an army of followers

The?Number #1 strategy to protect your brand?from accusations of?green wash

The keys to telling a?remarkable sustainability story?that makes you?LOVED by customers

How your business can?spark a social movement and inspire thousands

Why business for good is good for business


Tour of International Markets

Tues, August 14th


Union Square, Somerville

As part of our ArtsUnion project, the Somerville Arts Council gives tours of Union Square international food markets. Join us and learn where to find ingredients like Nepalese timur (a fragrant spice used in pickles), squid ink pasta and Haitian akasan (a cornmeal drink). Beyond discovering the culinary exotica available in Union Square, we?ll learn about the history of these stores and how their clientele represents the cultural community of Somerville. Each tour visits three markets and we?ll point out others along the way. Featured markets include: Casa de Carne, Well Foods Plus Halal Market, La Internacional, Little India, New Bombay Market, Pao de Acucar & Brazilian Buffet and the Reliable Market. Without leaving Union Square, we?ll visit Brazil, Korea, India, Nepal, Guatemala and Haiti! Dates: Tues, August 14th, 6pm-7:30pm Sat, September 1st, 2pm-3:30pm Thur, September 13th, 6pm-7:30pm Cost: free How to sign up: send an email to


Comparing Boston v. SiliconValley & NYC w/ Social Media APIs,TextMining (Group1)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
6:30 PM To 7:30 PM
Microsoft New England Research and Development Center, 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge
RSVP at?
Price: $5.00/per person
Refund policy
The $5 fee will first go to pizza (50%), then charity as described below (25%) and some O?Reilly books (25%) to be given away to the group. ?The fee is towards reducing no-shows which range anywhere from 30-50% of rsvps when there is a free event. ?Please note there is a no-pizza, $2.50 for charity, session #2 at 7:45.

Boston's Meetup Tech and Business scene has grown stronger; however Silicon Valley and New York City have both higher adoption and scale. ?What might Boston do to improve its Tech and Biz community landscape?

Social Network Analysis and Machine Learning are used on data pulled from Meetup's API. ?The talk will cover the application-side, analytics using R, and some on pulling data via an API.

This talk is a follow-up to the "Utilizing Meetup to Analyze Boston, Silicon Valley and NYC" presentation I gave back February. This extension includes additional Social Network and Machine Learning analysis towards addressing questions such as "What specific Meetup Groups would be helpful for Boston towards improving its tech and biz scene relative to Silicon Valley and NYC?"
There are two main layers of the presentation:
(1) Regional Comparisons: ?Silicon Valley, not surprisingly, has a higher percentage of tech and business groups than either NYC or Boston. ?NYC is slightly above the national average; whereas Boston has an on-par tech scene, though lower than average percentage of business groups. ?This will be explored in more detail.
(2) Analytics: ?Social Network Analysis and Machine Learning as a means to describe different communities. ?"R" (tnet and RTextTools libraries among others) was used with data originating primarily from the Meetup API.
Please note the talk is low on hardcore Computer Science, i.e. there is not going to be discussion of achieving 99.999% accuracy using 20 different models ensembled together ala Amazon or Netflix. ??Please refer to Stanford's Online Learning website ( which has a great ML course; and both Coursera and Udacity have upcoming Social Network Analysis courses. ?It would be great to have a 2-hour ML event; however this is not the time for it.
The fee, which is to reduce the no-shows/waitlist, will partially be given to charities. ?One thought is to have the donations given to a local non-profit for whom Meetup could be a benefit (much as it has shown to be in tech and biz communities). Interestingly, this brings up a different set of questions including "What is the adoption rate of Meetup in inner cities?" ??As of this time I don't know which organization; however there's time to explore this before the event, and I may be able to go back into the Meetup data and local economic data to see if those sources can be helpful. ?If you are interested in helping out in identifying a non-profit organization, then please let me know.

Sponsor: ?Boston Predictive Analytics


Wednesday, August 15


Root Cause believes that social innovation is critical to ensure that our public and private resources are leveraged in the most effective ways to address our nation's social problems. Yet, it is often difficult for emerging innovations to receive the recognition and support they need to develop and spread their impact.?

Root Cause's Social Innovation Forum provides a unique opportunity for innovative nonprofit organizations and social enterprises to gain visibility, expand their networks, and build capacity.


Register at?


Hear What's Possible for Sound in Tablets: A Conversation with Dolby Labs

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

7:00 PM

Boston Globe,?135 Morrissey Blvd.,?Dorchester

Hear What's Possible for Sound in Tablets: A Conversation with Dolby Labs

The way we engage with media is being transformed by the boom in tablets and other mobile devices. But while the picture quality for movies, TV shows, online video and games is fantastic, most new devices don?t feature high-quality audio. It?s a key issue people are starting to notice: more and more people are demanding high-quality audio. They?re not satisfied. Why?

Poor content quality and hardware limitations like small speakers mean you?re not getting the best listening experience possible. You may have noticed that the speakers on their devices are small, or on the back of the device? or that the volume and dialogue is wacky between the YouTube news clip and the Netflix movie they?re watching on the tablet. Dolby wants to show you why sound is essential to great mobile entertainment on all devices.

Who:?Dolby executives: Mary Anderson, Sr. Director of Marketing, Electronic Media // Dawn Leonetti, Senior Partner Marketing Manager

RSVP at?


Thursday, August 16


Creative Economy Roundtable
Thursday, August 16
8:30 am
BSA Space, 290 Congress Street, Boston
Register online at

Governor Patrick?s Creative Economy Industry director, Helena Fruscio and the Boston design community

You may also be interested in the fall 2009 issue of ArchitectureBoston on Creative Economy


Panel moderated by Mr. Gaylon White


How do we fully engage organizations to think about the changing landscape of business and services? Design & Thinking, a documentary, hopes to be that catalyst.

'Design Thinking' is a terminology from the design profession that has been communicating the changing landscape of our societies, by sharing how designers think and do things.

This film travels through large corporations, entrepreneurs and change-makers to present a big picture of how they react to fundamental changes. Audience journey with design figure Bill Moggridge, MBA dean Roger Martin, Coca Cola, non-profit Code for America, design firms, Hollywood director, and even a cooking school and PhD student.


Boston GreenFest
Thursday, Aug 16 ??5 pm - 9:30 pm
Friday, Aug 17 ??????noon - 9:30 pm
Saturday, Aug 18 ???11 am - 8 pm
Sunday, Aug 19 ???10 am - 5 pm
Featuring: The Movement Festival!

Boston City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square, Boston


Evolution in a Toxic World: How Life Responds to?Chemical Threats

6:00 PM

Harvard Museum of Natural History, Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Lecture and booksigning with Emily Monosson

Toxic chemicals: They have shaped our bodies, our world, and all life around us. Today, species are rapidly evolving in response to toxins like PCBs, dioxins and pesticides. Emily Monosson, adjunct professor at UMass Amherst and author of the new book,Evolution in a Toxic World?(Island Press), will discuss how life on Earth survives in the face of increased amounts of both age-old and new synthetic chemicals in our environment.?Free and open to the public


Friday, August 17


MIT vs. Harvard Case Competition - 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012


MIT Building E51, Wong Auditorium, Amherst Street, Cambridge

The Case Competition is the flagship event organized by Consulting Club at MIT and Harvard Graduate Consulting Club. Held for the first time in Summer 2008, this event offers graduate students from Harvard and MIT the opportunity to work in teams on a business case under the mentorship of professional consultants. This 10-day event begins with a Kickoff presentation of the case (to be held at Harvard this year), followed by team mentoring sessions with consultants and industry experts. The final presentation, to be held at MIT this year on August 17th, is a day long event showcasing the top Harvard and MIT teams.

Web site:?

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): GSC Funding Board, Consulting Club at MIT, Large Event Fund (LEF)

For more information, contact:?Armen Mkrtchyan


WHEN ?Fri., Aug. 17, 2012, 11?a.m.???2?p.m.

WHERE ?Science Center Arcade, Harvard Yard

GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION ?Special Events, Sustainability, Wellness/Work Life

ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR ?FAS Green Program, Office for Sustainability

NOTE ?Get ready for the new school year! Clean out your office or home, then donate any good, reusable items to the FreeCycle, or just come browse and take anything you might need!

All staff, students, and faculty are welcome. There will also be representatives from Harvard Dining Services and Commuter Choice talking about some of their great programs, as well as free ice cream if you bring your own bowl and spoon.

FAS Staff, email energy@fas if you have donations to be picked up before August 15th.



Boston GreenFest
Friday, Aug 17 ??????noon - 9:30 pm
Saturday, Aug 18 ???11 am - 8 pm
Sunday, Aug 19 ???10 am - 5 pm
Featuring: The Movement Festival!

Boston City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square, Boston


Saturday, August 18


We welcome your participation in the?First Annual National Security Innovation Conference. ?The thematic selection for 2012 is?ID Innovate. ?All of our programming will be focused on topics related to identification technology and innovation.

The purpose of?ID Innovate?is to bring together leaders in the academic, government and technology sectors in order to benefit all respective parties and further the collaboration between identification technology and innovation.

ID Innovate?is organized by Z-Square Technology, a security technology firm based in Cambridge, MA, and our events will be held in Kendall Square, an epicenter for innovation. ?We hope that?your attendance at?ID Innovate?will result in new strategic paradigms and professional relationships.


POINT OF CONTACT (For attendees, speakers, media inquiries):?John Silva ?( )

mobile: 312-972-9876 ?office: 617-401-2447?


Boston GreenFest
Saturday, Aug 18 ???11 am - 8 pm
Sunday, Aug 19 ???10 am - 5 pm
Featuring: The Movement Festival!

Boston City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square, Boston


Unfolding Changes in Cuba's Economic Organization and Food Production

?Sat. 8/18/12


Center for Marxist Education, 550 Mass. Ave. 2d Floor, Central Square T stop, Cambridge

Cuba is undergoing significant changes in its economic organization and food production. Two of the speakers, Duncan McFarland and Cristina Martinez, participated in a week-long conference in July co-sponsored by the University of Havana and the US-based Radical Philosophy Association. Conference presenters frankly discussed ?problems that prompted the ongoing changes, and reviewed how they are unfolding.

Our third speaker,Tom Whitney, is a long-time Cuba solidarity activist who has worked on Cuba Friendshipments and defense of the Cuba Five. He recently reviewed the food situation in Cuba and the proposed changes in its agricultural practices, including the development of urban cooperatives to produce and distribute food.


Sunday, August 19


Boston GreenFest
Sunday, Aug 19 ???10 am - 5 pm
Featuring: The Movement Festival!

Boston City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square, Boston


Monday, August 20


Intelligence and Neurons: can we begin to build a bridge?

Monday, August 20, 2012


MIT, Building 46-5165, McGovern Institute 5th Floor Reading Room MIT I^2 presents a mini-workshop "Intelligence and Neurons: can we begin to build a bridge?"

We plan to discuss whether it is feasible and useful to work on (low-level) neural correlates of high-level intelligent abilities, such as social intelligence, language, theory of mind. A panel with optimistic and pessimistic views will argue about what can be achieved in the next 5-10 years and *how*.

We hope to get interesting ideas and perspective from the audience.

Matthew Wilson, BCS Dept., MIT
Gabriel Kreiman, Harvard U., Children's Medical Boston
Nancy Kanwisher, BCS Dept., MIT
Joshua Tenenbaum, BCS Dept., CSAIL, MIT

Moderator: Tomaso Poggio, BCS Dept., MIBR, CSAIL, MIT

Alternate location 45-3189 (in case of overwhelming attendance)

Web site:?

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free - Open to public

Sponsor(s): MIT Intelligence Initiative, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Brain and Cognitive Sciences

For more information, contact: ?Kathleen D. Sullivan


Tuesday, August 21



Please join us for a local house tour of both solar thermal and photovoltaic panels.? Learn about pros and cons of different approaches, installation issues and procedures, and paybacks.


(Rain or Shine)

Tour Locations and Approximate Times:

6:30 -- 26 Glenwood Avenue

7:00 -- 116 Henry Street

7:30 -- 21 Acorn Street

8:00 -- 15-17 Whitney Avenue

GreenPort envisions and encourages a just and sustainable Cambridgeport neighborhood

For more information, contact Steve Wineman at?


"Do It Yourself Medical Technology."

Thursday, August 21


Tavern in the Square, Porter Square, Cambridge.? ? ?

Jose Gomez-Marquez,?Little Devices Group ?

Science by the Pint ?


Thursday, August 23, 2012
7 to 9 pm
Artisan's Asylum, 10 Tyler Street, Somerville

Uncover What's Next for the Creative Economy
CreativeNEXT is a series of 21 state-wide events held bythe Massachusetts Creative Economy Council, an advisory Council to the Legislature and the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, and a variety of local partners. The MA Creative Economy Council is tasked to develop a statewide strategy for the enhancement, encouragement, and growth of the creative economy in Massachusetts. Working with the Creative Economy Industry Director this listening tour will help to guide the future priorities of the Council. The greater Boston event, co-hosted by the Artisan's Asylum and Union Square Main Streets, will take place on Thursday, August 23, 2012 from 7 to 9 pm at the Artisan's Asylum, 10 Tyler Street, Somerville. Join colleagues in a discussion on furthering the visionary growth of your business and other creative industries across the state. Who should attend? Businesses, Organizations, and Individuals working in: Marketing: Advertising and marketing agencies and professionals Architecture: Architecture firms and architects Visual Arts + Craft: Museums, galleries, theatres and curators, artists, + artisans Design: Industrial, interior, graphic, web, fashion firms and designers Film + Media: Film, TV, animation, and radio businesses and talent Video Game: Companies, programmers, and individuals producing games Music + Performance: Venues, producers, and performers Publishing: Content creation, editors, writers and distributors What's on the agenda? You are! We want to hear from you, about you, as we explore future opportunities for like-minded businesses within the creative landscape. Through a round table discussion we hope to gain valuable insights concerning the growth and sustainability of your business within the state of Massachusetts.

For more information and to register your space:?


National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
8/23/2012 - 8/27/2012
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Microsoft New England R&D Center, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142

Audience: Faculty and students from New England and throughout the country working to commercialize ventures for the developing world
Description: Sustainable Vision VentureLab is an intensive, five-day, highly experiential and immersive workshop designed to enhance the success of base of the pyramid ventures. Students from Boston University, Northeastern, MIT (including Legatum fellows) Harvard and Tufts will meet and work with students from other programs around the country to develop strong, sustainable business models that create products or services for the benefit of people living in poverty.

$100 per team
Register at?


Save the Silver Maple Forest nature hike
Saturday, August 25
meet at Alewife Station on the Red Line (passenger pick-up area), Cambridge

The Silver Maple Forest, an urban forest adjacent to Alewife Reservation in Cambridge, is slated to be cut down to make way for housing development.

This walk will introduce people to the Reservation and Silver Maple Forest so they can understand the importance of this urban wilderness and join activists and concerned citizens working to preserve it.

In this walk we will learn to identify some of the wild plant foods and medicines found here.

Leading the walk is Jules Kobek, co-founder of DIO (Do-It-Ourselves) Skillshare and knowledgeable forager.
call 617-492-2340 for more info about walk

Heavy rain cancels (call if not sure)
Be prepared for rough ground and possibly mud, mosquitos, and ticks (I strongly recommend wearing long pants tucked into socks and long sleeves)

for more info about the Silver Maple Forest, check-out these websites:
Coalition to Preserve the Belmont Uplands:?
Friends of Alewife Reservation:?


Tour of International Markets

Sat, September 1st


Union Square, Somerville

As part of our ArtsUnion project, the Somerville Arts Council gives tours of Union Square international food markets. Join us and learn where to find ingredients like Nepalese timur (a fragrant spice used in pickles), squid ink pasta and Haitian akasan (a cornmeal drink). Beyond discovering the culinary exotica available in Union Square, we?ll learn about the history of these stores and how their clientele represents the cultural community of Somerville. Each tour visits three markets and we?ll point out others along the way. Featured markets include: Casa de Carne, Well Foods Plus Halal Market, La Internacional, Little India, New Bombay Market, Pao de Acucar & Brazilian Buffet and the Reliable Market. Without leaving Union Square, we?ll visit Brazil, Korea, India, Nepal, Guatemala and Haiti! Dates: ?Sat, September 1st, 2pm-3:30pm Thur, September 13th, 6pm-7:30pm Cost: free How to sign up: send an email to


The Circus of the Possibilitarians
Sunday, September 2nd

3 pm

Cambridge Common

kicks off?Harvard Square?s annual??Revival Month?

Bread & Puppet Theater:?The?Circus of the Possibilitarians?. Held outdoors on Sunday, September 2nd?at 3 pm on the Cambridge Common, near the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Garden St., Cambridge. Free performance [pass-the-hat donations welcome], rain or shine. For further details, call the Boston-area Bread & Puppet Theater information line 617-286-6694 or log onto

Soon to begin celebrating its 50th?anniversary, the award-winning?Bread & Puppet Theater, from Vermont?s Northeast Kingdom, presents their?The Circus of the Possibilitarians?on the Cambridge Common, a public space they used to frequent prior to the mid-1980?s. Last year the theater finally returned to help launch Harvard Square?s inaugural ?Revival Month.? And now a return engagement is in order.

The Circus of the Possibilitarians?is a satirical horse and butterfly circus, addressing pertinent national and international issues in a clownish fashion, features rotten ideas, a wild dancing horse, a saxophone ballet, a solemn salute to the world's casualties and much more! Not to mention The Dire Circumstance Jubilation Ensemble providing a little bit of brass and a lot of noise. Please take note that if some of the circus acts are politically puzzling to adults, accompanying children can usually explain them.?The audience is welcome to examine all the masks and puppets after the performance, and Cheap Art will be for sale. Examples of Bread & Puppet?s work can be found at

Bread & Puppet?s outdoor Circus on the Common is serving as the kick off to what is now Harvard Square?s annual??Revival Month,??an entire month of ?reincarnations? which will spill over into early October with the return of the?HONK! Parade: Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes, and Feet Parade?on Oct. 7th, a Bread & Puppet-inspired procession on Massachusetts Avenue leading into Harvard Square?s Oktoberfest. For complete information on Harvard Square?s??Revival Month??visit For more information on?HONK!?and the parade that runs from Davis Square to Harvard Square, log onto?

Special thanks to the Cambridge Arts Council and the Harvard Square Business Association for helping make this event possible; funded in part by the Cambridge Arts Council.


American Red Cross Workplace Safety Seminar


8:00 am - 9:00 am

Microsoft New England R&D Center, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142

Description:?The American Red Cross, the largest non-profit organization in the world and world leader in emergency response, is offering a Workplace Safety Seminar to business leaders in Massachusetts to assist in identifying gaps in safety protocols and save lives by having procedures in place for any anticipated emergency.
Key speakers and panel guests include:
American Red Cross Preparedness Health and Safety Services, offering the latest resources from the Red Cross to help your company identify gaps in safety procedures to be proactive in emergency preparedness;
OSHA, outlining safety requirements in various workplace environments;
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, presenting the plan that keeps their employees safe and why they feel it is so important to be a model of safety in the community; and
Cardiac Science, demonstrating the ease of operation of a state of the art fully automatic AED.

This event will be a benefit to your business, offering you an opportunity to find out not just what is required of you according to state and federal mandate, but the gaps in your preparedness plans that can help to protect and save the lives of your staff to keep your business running smoothing when an emergency strikes.

Audience:?COOs, Property and Office Managers, Safety and Emergency Preparedness Directors and other business managers from Boston and across Massachusetts.


Contact: ?




6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Microsoft New England R&D Center, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142

Description:?Future Energy is a brand new conference where you can see the most revolutionary energy technology of the future before it hits mainstream. At each Future Energy event, 8 startups present to a panel of energy and cleantech venture capital investors for feedback, advice, and networking. The audience votes on the best presenters who win prizes and media attention to help launch their business.

Applications to pitch can be submitted at
The platinum sponsor for this event is the Shell International Game Changer program.

Audience:?Entrepreneurs, Investors, Media, all are welcome

Register at?

Editorial Comment: ?Early bird tickets are $10 and general admission is $20. ?Not free but still relatively inexpensive access.


Tour of International Markets

Thur, September 13th


Union Square, Somerville

As part of our ArtsUnion project, the Somerville Arts Council gives tours of Union Square international food markets. Join us and learn where to find ingredients like Nepalese timur (a fragrant spice used in pickles), squid ink pasta and Haitian akasan (a cornmeal drink). Beyond discovering the culinary exotica available in Union Square, we?ll learn about the history of these stores and how their clientele represents the cultural community of Somerville. Each tour visits three markets and we?ll point out others along the way. Featured markets include: Casa de Carne, Well Foods Plus Halal Market, La Internacional, Little India, New Bombay Market, Pao de Acucar & Brazilian Buffet and the Reliable Market. Without leaving Union Square, we?ll visit Brazil, Korea, India, Nepal, Guatemala and Haiti! Dates: Thur, September 13th, 6pm-7:30pm Cost: free How to sign up: send an email to



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

6:00 PM To?9:00 PM

Microsoft N.E.R.D. Center,?One Memorial Drive,?Cambridge

Because social media is essentially 'real-time' information, it provides an efficiency mechanism to reduce intelligence time to action if it can be harvested effectively. Fusing social media with traditional intelligence information provides additional context and connections of entities and events, which increases quality, relevance and predictability.

Learn how with IKANOW's open source platform, Infinit.e, your organization can gain valuable intelligence by fusing social media data with traditional enterprise data.

Presentation will be given by one of IKANOW's Intelligence Analysts and food and drinks will be provided by IKANOW.

Register at



Where is the best yogurt on the planet made? Somerville, of course!

Join the Somerville Yogurt Making Cooperative and get a weekly quart of the most thick, creamy, rich and tart yogurt in the world. Membership in the coop costs $2.50 per quart. Members share the responsibility for making yogurt in our kitchen located just outside of Davis Sq. in FirstChurch. ?No previous yogurt making experience is necessary.

For more information checkout.


Boiler Rebate
If your boiler is from 1983 or earlier, Mass Save will give a $1,750 to $4,000 rebate to switch it out for a new efficient boiler that uses the same fuel (i.e. if you have oil, you have to continue to use oil) so long as it is installed by July 31, 2012.

Call Mass Save (866 527-7283) to sign up for a home energy assessment or sign-up online at ? HEET will receive a $10 contribution from Next Step Living for every completed assessment.

This is a great way to reduce climate change emissions for the next 20 or so years the boiler lasts, while saving money.


CEA Solar Hot Water Grants
Cambridge, through the Cambridge Energy Alliance initiative, is offering a limited number of grants to residents and businesses for solar hot water systems. ?The grants will cover 50% of the remaining out of pocket costs of the system after other incentives, up to $2,000.

Applications will be accepted up to November 19, 2012 and are available on a first come, first serve basis until funding runs out. ?The Cambridge grant will complement other incentives including the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center solar thermal grants. ?For more information, see


Cambridge Residents: Free Home Thermal Images

Have you ever wanted to learn where your home is leaking heat by having an energy auditor come to your home with a thermal camera? ?With that info you then know where to fix your home so it's more comfortable and less expensive to heat. ?However, at $200 or so, the cost of such a thermal scan is a big chunk of change.

HEET Cambridge has now partnered with Sagewell, Inc. to offer Cambridge residents free thermal scans.

Sagewell collects the thermal images by driving through Cambridge in a hybrid vehicle equipped with thermal cameras. ?They will scan every building in Cambridge (as long as it's not blocked by trees or buildings or on a private way). ?Building owners can view thermal images of their property and an analysis online. The information is password protected so that only the building owner can see the results.

Homeowners, condo-owners and landlords can access the thermal images and an accompanying analysis free of charge. Commercial building owners and owners of more than one building will be able to view their images and analysis for a small fee.

The scans will be analyzed in the order they are requested.

Go to ?Type in your address at the bottom where it says "Find your home or building" and press return. ?Then click on "Here" to request the report.

That's it. ?When the scans are done in a few weeks, your building will be one of the first to be analyzed. The accompanying report will help you understand why your living room has always been cold and what to do about it.

With knowledge, comes power (or in this case saved power and money, not to mention comfort).


Free solar electricity analysis for MA residents


HEET has partnered with NSTAR and Mass Save participating contractor Next Step Living to deliver no-cost Home Energy Assessments to Cambridge residents.

During the assessment, the energy specialist will:

Install efficient light bulbs (saving up to 7% of your electricity bill)
Install programmable thermostats (saving up to 10% of your heating bill)
Install water efficiency devices (saving up to 10% of your water bill)
Check the combustion safety of your heating and hot water equipment
Evaluate your home?s energy use to create an energy-efficiency roadmap
If you get electricity from NSTAR, National Grid or Western Mass Electric, you already pay for these assessments through a surcharge on your energy bills. ?You might as well use the service.

Please sign up at? call Next Step Living at 866-867-8729. ?A Next Step Living Representative will call to schedule your assessment.

HEET will help answer any questions and ensure you get all the services and rebates possible.

(The information collected will only be used to help you get a Home Energy Assessment. ?We won?t keep the data or sell it.)

(If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to call HEET?s Jason Taylor at 617 441 0614.)




Sustainable Business Network Local Green Guide

SBN is excited to announce the soft launch of its new Local Green Guide, Massachusetts' premier Green Business Directory!

To view the directory please visit:?
To find out how how your business can be listed on the website or for sponsorship opportunities please contact Adritha at?


Massachusetts Attitudes About Climate Change ? An opinion survey of Massachusetts residents conducted by MassINC and sponsored by the Barr Foundation found that 77% of respondents believe that global warming has ?probably been happening? and 59% of all respondents see see it as being at least partially caused by human pollution. ?Only 42% of the state?s residents say global warming will have very serious consequences for Massachusetts if left unaddressed. The 18 to 29 age group is more likely to believe global warming is appearing and caused by humans compared to the 60+ age group. ?African-American (56%) and Latino residents (69%) are more likely than white residents (40%) to believe global warming will be a very serious problem if left unaddressed. ?The MassINC report, titled The 80 Percent Challenge: ?What Massachusetts must do to meet targets and make headway on climate change (, contains many other findings.


Free Monthly Energy Analysis

CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly email that lets you know how you?re doing in your work to save energy.


Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships, programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food, farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health, environment, arts, social services and other arenas. ??Hundreds of organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on week-to-week is not always well publicized.

Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let everyone know about these activities. ?Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of subscribers. ?Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at?


Artisan Asylum ?

Sprout & Co: ?Community Driven Investigations

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project ?
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation, contact?

------------------------'s Guide to Boston ?


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents ??

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the Boston Area ?

Boston Area Computer User Groups ?

Arts and Cultural Events List ?


b.i.g 1000 words ron white ron white buckyballs buckyballs awake

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