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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
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How to Start a Successful Small Business in Michigan | Gillikin ...
Entrepreneurship isn?t for everyone. Many are attracted by the ?make your own fortune, be your own boss? mystique, but the regrettable fact is that most small businesses ? more than 64 percent ? fail in the first decade. Successful business owners usually have three or four failed ventures under their belt before they find financial success and personal well-being. The reasons are both opaque and complex, but having counseled more than a dozen aspiring business leaders in the last two years, I?ve seen false expectations about business ownership color people?s judgment in astonishing ways.
That warning notwithstanding, starting a small business ? if done properly and soberly?? can be a rewarding experience. No two people start a business for the same reasons. Some want a little cash on the side, others want to begin a new career. The major contributors to success are commitment to the enterprise and the perseverance to manage the small details that can sometimes spiral out of control if left unattended.
Never trust a consultant who gives you ?tips? and ?secrets? to being successful without first getting to know the client?s needs and motivation; they are selling snake oil in a jar cleverly labeled?as hope. Starting a company in Michigan does not require an external expert who will charge you $500 do to $50 of work, nor do you need to shell out cash for business-in-a-box kits.?There are some common steps that every new entrepreneur who wishes to transact business in Michigan must climb, but the path isn?t especially difficult. Please allow me to share some observations about the journey.
- Reflect on what motivates you. Too many leave this part off; they just decide to go to the races without figuring out why they back a particular horse. Make sure you fully understand why you are starting the business, and be honest with yourself about what you hope to gain and what you?re willing to sacrifice to see your fledgling company thrive. Think through whether you really do have the expertise and the emotional stamina?to succeed.
- Recruit a mentor. Find a seasoned business professional who can help you navigate the Scylla and Charybdis of infinite dreams and finite resources. The Small Business Administration ? besides being a wealth of knowledge about entrepreneurship ? offers the Service Corps of Retired Executives, or SCORE, a program that pairs veteran business leaders with new owners. Take advantage of it, if you can.
- Find your niche. Many business ideas are a dime a dozen. Identify something special and valuable about what you will offer. Perhaps a cleaning company may target mortgage companies and Realtors for deep cleaning of properties for sale. Perhaps a bakery will trumpet its Kosher roots. Whatever your choice, give customers a reason to prefer your product or service.
- Decide on a name, address, phone number, email and Web presence. Do this before you get bright ideas for ordering stationery. Visit LARA ? the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs ? to conduct a business entity search to see if other companies have similar names. Depending on the scope of your enterprise, you may also wish to visit the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to check trademarks nationwide, to reduce your risk of an infringement lawsuit in the future. After settling on a name, decide what address and phone number you want for your company. Some people use their home information, but be careful ? do you want crabby customers to know where you live? A Post Office box or rented office space may do nicely for small companies that just need a desk and a mailing address. Look to solutions like Google Voice for a phone number that?s separate from your home or cell number. Finally, look for easy-to-remember domain names so you can implement branded Web sites and email. Nothing screams amateur like a generic, free email account.
- Determine a method of organization. Michigan permits sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, C Corporations and S Corporations. Each of these forms of organization have different legal and financial impacts. Consult with a certified public accountant or competent business attorney for advice on which method works best for you.
- Verify state license requirements. Dozens of industries and professions in Michigan require specific licenses. Some, like private security agencies, require the business owner to be licensed; others, like cosmetology, require the practitioner to be licensed. Check LARA?s database for the most current list?of regulated professions, and be sure to comply scrupulously with state requirements. Also, visit Michigan Business One-Stop for user-friendly information about specific industries and trades.
- File the paperwork to establish the company. Each method of business organization has different filing requirements. In general, proprietorships simply need to file a certificate of assumed name at the local county clerk?s office. LLC?s file articles of organization using Form 900, and corporations use any of a variety of forms, typically but not exclusively Form 500. These forms?are standard templates; any document that includes the required information will suffice. Submit the forms to the state by postal mail, or use the state?s?MichELF?fax service for expedited delivery. ?
- Obtain an Employer Identification Number. Sole proprietorships use the business owner?s Social Security number, because the company and the owner are legally indistinguishable. Other forms of organization allow the owner to request an EIN using Form SS-4 through the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS allows applicants to file online and receive an instant number, at no charge.
- Verify county and municipal regulations about the place and nature of your business. Check with the county, city and township clerk of your jurisdiction to verify whether there are any special rules or permits needed to transact business. Pay special attention to zoning regulations, as you cannot legally run many kinds of businesses from a home if you?re in a residential zone.?Some areas only allow certain types of businesses, and other areas have stringent requirements for things like business licenses, liquor licenses or mandatory health inspections. Failure to comply with local regulations may end up hitting you hard in the pocketbook, so take the extra time to verify the requirements of your community.
- Develop business and marketing plans.? Take the time to work through a formal business and marketing plan. These documents ? intended to be dynamic but long-term ? help focus the company?s efforts and identify its intended success vector.? The Small Business Administration has a helpful, step-by-step tutorial on developing business plans, and a good primer for creating a marketing plan. One reason these are helpful: Some commercial lenders require a formal business plan before they will grant lines of credit.
- Compute prices or rates; establish banking relationships. Determine your pricing structure. Make sure you have a good rate card for various products and services. Identify any warranty or refund policies and establish a commercial banking account in the company?s name. Open a merchant account, or use services like PayPal or Square to accept electronic payments from customers.
- Establish a market presence. Having laid the infrastructure for the company, now you must market your firm to your potential clients. Typical marketing tools include the basics like a well-designed logo, a tagline and a coherent stationery set including quality business cards. Avoid self-made or ?free? cards. Develop promotional materials ? flyers, brochures, posters, trinkets ? to help sell your message. Establish a robust online presence with a Web site, custom URL (and business-branded email accounts). Explore the use of social media services like Twitter and Facebook fan pages; some industries use them competitively while others have little use for online media. Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs, especially those in cutting-edge industries, find an online marketing strategy essential for their success. Podcasts, webcasts, online white papers, blogs: Many are the content channels. Customize them to meet your needs (Gillikin Consulting can help). Finally, engage in word-of-mouth networking: Join BNI chapters, LinkedIn or MeetUp groups, the local chamber of commerce, the Lion?s Club, whatever. Just get your name, tagline and business card out there to start building relationships with your future clients.
Oh, and don?t forget the last step ? reward yourself for having taken the plunge. Good luck, fearless entrepreneur. May the force (of profit!) be with you!
Source: http://www.gillikinconsulting.com/2011/05/how-to-start-a-successful-small-business-in-michigan/
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Monday, May 30, 2011
Article 007 ? The Benefits Of Having Air Conditioning In Your House
The Improvement Of Installing Air Conditioning In Your Own HomeAir conditioners give some healthy advantages for all homeowners particularly during the winter and summer. Your home is your special sanctuary, nonetheless it?s troublesome to feel comfortable when it?s very hot to sleep, or too cold to make a shower every morning, particularly at Winter. Here, we have listed other benefits in installing air conditioning into your home.Trouble-free sleep ? Of course, one of the usefulness of owning air conditioning is that it?s verified that you?ll have the perfect slumber specifically if the summer heat don?t make you sleep at night.Taking a peaceful sleep is essential for your body to be able to attain its maximum ability the next day, thus owning an air conditioner will guarantee an uninterruptible sleep that is a perfect investment for your health today and for the future.Effectively filters the air in your home ? A lot of air conditioners today not only provides cooling and heating services, however they are able to filter the air as well, cleaning it by eliminating pollens, dust and other allergens present in the air, creating the air you breathe cleaner for you and your family. This is an excellent service to use in an air conditioning unit, particularly for those who have asthma condition or who are allergic to dust and dust mites.Regulating the humidity ? Summer can be very hot sometimes that you simply want to regulate the level of humidity present in the air. Various air conditioners allow you to control this particular function with just the touch of a button, as a plus to the comfort in your home in Summer.Cooling/heating your whole house ? Fans and heaters can provide few relief to the temperatures you are feeling in your home, however they don?t have the capacity to extend their reach throughout the whole house.In choosing a ducted air conditioner, you are ensured that your whole house will reach you desired temperature whenever you want.Create a well ventilated atmosphere in your home ? Air conditioners often have an integrated ventilation function. What this means is your air conditioner have the ability to circulate the air by pushing the air from inside to outside and bring in fresh air.Portability ? Portable air conditioning units, heaters and fans often take up a lot of floor space and are bulky. In buying an air conditioning unit, it will be placed on the wall and out of the way. This is also an effective safety measure if you have small children.Peaceful ? heaters, fans and old fashioned portable air conditioning units are not quiet and can be distracting. A lot of air conditioning units are newly created for optimal performance, having very little noise or none at all. Other so noiseless you have to walk right up to them to double check if they are turned on since you won?t hear a sound.Air conditioners are really a great investment for every home. Making your family cool in Summer and warm in Winter means relaxing at your home to it?s full extent, no matter what the season.
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Share on FacebookSource: http://article007.co.cc/2011/05/28/the-benefits-of-having-air-conditioning-in-your-house/
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Book Review -The Heart of the World ? Living Meditation
A Contemporary Novel about Philosophy by ex Bush Telegraph member Adrian Hekel
Review by Tahlia
This sweet-hearted novel seems to me to be a cross between a folk story, about a young man?s search for truth, and a contemplation.
Sanjay is an innocent young Indian man, an almost too-good-to-be-true character whose taro card reading from a gypsy woman results in him setting off to the USA to discover the ?heart of the world?. We follow his journey through meetings with a variety of characters, each who teach him a different kind of wisdom.
He begins his search with modern science and although he, and we, learn a lot about how scientists think, their worldview doesn?t answer all Sanjay?s questions, so he moves on to religion. His experience in a Christian monastery provides an inner angle on the nature of the world, but once again Sanjay isn?t satisfied. He?s met the split between describing the nature of the world from an inner perspective, as in religion, and from the outer perspective, as in science. His search for a view of the world that combines both science and the essence of religion leads him to medicine and a new mentor, a doctor, as well as a relationship with a young woman. When an unfortunate turn of events rips all that from him, he is shattered and turns to deep contemplation and meditation. Alone in the mountains, he faces his demons and comes to his own understanding of the ?heart of the world?, a truth he then puts into practice back where he started in India.
I doubt that this story would hold anyone expecting the elements of an ordinary novel. There is little action and nothing substantial to thwart Sanjay on his quest, the only challenge being an intellectual/spiritual one. The words tell us about people and events instead of showing them to us, which keeps us removed from the character and his experience. The characters are sketchy, and there is almost no description of place, character or experience. For example, when Sanjay arrives in the USA we get no sense of the change of place or the culture shock that such a character would surely feel. Apart from the occasional dialogues, and paragraphs that change the place, it is almost entirely an inner monologue following Sanjay?s contemplations on the nature of the world.
Despite its faults, The Heart of the World? has its own integrity and beauty. Its very innocence, in the character and the writing, gives it a unique flavour. There is little in it to sustain anyone not already interested in the search for truth, but the story will resonate for anyone who has undertaken such a path to any degree.
If you?d like to do a contemplation in novel form on the nature of reality that includes both scientific and religious thought, then this is the book for you, because even though Sanjay is a fictional character, his questions, the answers he finds and the conclusions he comes to via his own reflection are all very real. It might make a good present for a non-dharma friend who is interested in such things but not enough to want to read books on philosophy or quantum physics. There are even some verses for reflection at the end.
Near the end of last year, Rinpoche asked that we foster the creativity of the sangha in bringing the dharma to a wider audience, and here is your chance. Adrian (who was a BT member a few years ago) has blended philosophy with story ? an age old way of communicating truth ? in a modern scenario.
You can order Adrian?s book here
I asked Adrian some questions about the book .
?What inspired you to write this book?
I have spent quite a few years studying Buddhism in its various forms, and felt a calling to express some of what I?ve learnt in a creative way ? in a way that my family and friends could relate to.? I was also inspired by Madhyamika teachings by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche several years ago, and wanted to see what would happen if I tried to apply some of this brilliant India logic to modern-day beliefs and paradigms. Finally, I was influenced by Paulo Coelho?s powerful novel The Alchemist.
What type of audience did you write it for?
I attempted to write the book so people could read it on different levels, depending on their own background. For a general audience, I was hoping it would read as an inspiring novel with a message (and I thank the Sandgate writers group for their help in this regard). For the intellectually-inclined, I was hoping to present some profound philosophical ideas in a simple way, as a way to provoke discussion and reflection, especially by challenging the view of ?scientific materialism?. Finally, for the Buddhist reader I hoped to present the Madhyamika teachings and the spiritual journey in general, in a way that was relevant to one?s daily life.
How closely does Sanjay?s journey reflect your own?
I suppose Sanjay represents what I am aiming for ? to really make the Buddhist journey part of one?s life (in Trungpa Rinpoche?s words ? ?the journey where the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end?). I am nowhere near attaining this lofty goal, but I have been fortunate enough to have led a life which has given me many opportunities to reflect. This includes time studying physics and neuroscience at university, time in monasteries and spiritual communities, time working as a doctor in general practice, and the occasional challenge as well! The common thread in all these experiences was a na?ve young man (myself) who was always on some kind of truth finding mission, battling the tendency to get carried away by something while the truth was left behind.What have you learned from writing this book?
?The writing process was a wonderful way to integrate many of my life experiences, and to learn how to communicate with others about many things I would normally keep to myself. It has also helped me develop confidence pursuing something I feel strongly about, even though it may not ?fit on the shelf?. In a Buddhist sense, it was a brilliant opportunity to engage in the ?second wisdom tool? ? contemplation and reflection upon the teachings, especially the Madhyamika approach to deconstructing our habitual view of reality. And now that the book is out there, it feels like the learning process has only just begun!
About Adrian
Adrian Hekel grew up in Brisbane and has spent most of the last ten years in Adelaide and Victoria, completing medical training and working as a junior doctor. During this time he has studied with a variety of Buddhist teachers, including Sogyal Rinpoche, Khentrul Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Recently he has moved back to Queensland, having resided as Chenrezig Institute on the Sunshine Coast while trying to establish a career as an author. He is especially interested in the interface between Buddhist philosophy, comparative religion and modern psychology.
Source: http://livingmeditation.wordpress.com/2011/05/28/book-review-the-heart-of-the-world/
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Sunday, May 29, 2011
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Professional Resignation Letters Samples | Top Articles At One Place
Are you looking for resignation letters samples? If so, you have reached the right place to find information on it. Since every business runs with specific protocols and systematic procedures, it is important to hand over a professional resignation letter to your current employer. Indeed, it is very important that you mention the truth in the letter since your next employer might contact the current employer to know more about your service and behavior skills. In this case, you need to get better support or help from the current employer to get a better job you always needed. Nowadays, the best place to find samples and templates are on the internet. Various sources on the internet include free termination letter samples. These sources will help you to find the best free and professional resignation letter samples. In most cases, people prefer to keep the letters short and simple. Keeping the letter short and simple gives it a professional look especially if you mention the specific reason for the resignation. Another major factor to consider while writing the letter is the notice period. Companies will have their own set of rules along with their notice period. It is wise to write the letter knowing about the notice period of the company and the procedures to submit the termination letter. Ensure you have a positive approach and method to leave the company irrespective of the days or years you have worked. It is always important to maintain your respect and professionalism and to set examples for others. Even if you had negative experiences with the employer, ensure you leave the company professionally bidding good-bye. It could be difficult to leave a company mainly if you have lot of good memories to take with you. Professional sample resignation letters will be written in business-style and format. These will contain information to specific points. Do not fall into the temptation to express negative feelings on it. Keeping the letter brief without exaggerating is the best way to remain professional. The best sample resignation letter template will contain salutation to the particular person you will hand over the letter along with the date of letter written. Apart from that, it will have information on the date you need to leave and reason for you to quit the job. The good sample resignation letter will also include the things you have learned from the company that you can use to implement in the next company. It is a compliment bosses like to get (when you mention, you have improved your skills working under his leadership). This will help you to get positive recommendations when your future employer contacts the current employer for your service history. Therefore, search for good resignation letter samples before you draft your fair copy. The ideas you get from the samples will help you to present a professional letter. Regardless your good or bad experience with the employer, always remember to exit the company leaving smiles on all faces. This will boost your confidence and energy in your next potential job.
Want to learn how to write http://www.resignationletterssamples.net resignation letter sample? Find different resources, templates and information for free about resignation letter samples
Source: http://www.articlesontop.com/2011/05/professional-resignation-letters-samples/
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Key Stage 2 Science ? By KeyStageTwo.com | Article Buss
During Key Stage 2 Science Pupils will learn about a wider range of living things, materials and phenomena. They will be able to make links between ideas and to explain things using simple models and concepts. They relate their knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health. They learn about the positive and negative effects of scientific and technological developments on the environment and in other contexts. They carry out more systematic investigations, working on their own and with others in a group. They will use a range of reference sources in their work. They will talk about their work and its significance, and communicate ideas using a wide range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs.
Teaching should ensure that ?scientific enquiry? is taught through contexts taken from the sections on ?life processes and living things?, ?materials and their properties? and ?physical processes
Knowledge, skills and understanding?
Ideas and evidence in science.
Pupils should be taught that science is about thinking creatively to try and explain how living and non-living things work, and to establish links between causes and effects.
They will also learn that it is important to test ideas using evidence from observation and measurement.
Investigative skills..
Pupils should be taught to:
Ask questions that can be investigated scientifically and decide how to find answers.
Consider what sources of information, including first-hand experience and a range of other sources, they will use to answer questions.
Think about what might happen or try things out when deciding what to do, what kind of evidence to collect, and what equipment and materials to use.
Make a fair test or comparison by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect while keeping other factors the same.
Obtaining and presenting evidence?
Use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks.
Make systematic observations and measurements, including the use of ICT for datalogging.
Check observations and measurements by repeating them where appropriate.
Use a wide range of methods, including diagrams, drawings, tables, bar charts, line graphs and ICT, to communicate data in an appropriate and systematic manner.
Considering evidence and evaluating..
Make comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations in their own observations and measurements or other data.
Use observations, measurements or other data to draw conclusions.
Decide whether these conclusions agree with any prediction made and/or whether they enable further predictions to be made.
Use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain observations, measurements or other data or conclusions.
Review their work and the work of others and describe its significance and limitations.
Q. How can KeyStageTwo.com help my child throughout this important time in their education?
A. KeyStageTwo.com is currently working with schools across the British Isles to offer cost reducing benefits to schools across the UK. The system is currently working in 23 schools, and is in talks with various government agencies to have the system installed on a national level within the UK.
Key Stage Two is an affordable education system which integrates education with entertainment by linking education with fun online games which test the child while they learn. We have recorded great results with children spending on average 40 minutes per evening on the system, doing homework?s and usually additional tests, hence improving the acuity and performance of even the most hard to reach pupil.
The system has identified the following benefits to schools:
-Overall School Cost Reduction due to less homework?s needing printed it saves money
-Very low price means it is affordable for all schools as well as home tutors
-Teacher Time Reduction due to the reduced amount of marking
-Non Discriminatory, offering facilities to aid children who do not have home computers
-Environmentally friendly reducing your need for printing
-It helps schools meet their own IT targets
-Full Customer Support team in place meaning any queries are dealt with.
-There is a marked Improvement in Children?s performance particularly those who are hard to engage through traditional methods
-Tracking of Child Performance provided by the system enables constructive lesson support, identifying particular areas of weakness in particular pupils as well as the class as a whole.
Why not Lobby a school near you to get involved, and give your child the benefit of an IT Integrated education. Contact us direct on 028 91 464851 or Click the link below for more information.
Source: http://www.articlebuss.com/reference-education/key-stage-2-science-by-keystagetwo-com/
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Super-soft tyres lasting far longer than expected | 2011 Monaco GP FP2 analysis
26 May 2011 by Keith Collantine
Pirelli expected their super-soft tyre would be good for no more than ten laps in Monaco[1].
But in second practice the tyres were lasting for more than 20.
Here?s all the data from the second practice session.
Longest stint comparison
- In second practice the super-soft tyre held up surprisingly well over long stints. Sebastian Vettel[2] did a 23-lap stint on them and was able to lap in the high 1?18s (see graph below)
- Jenson Button[3] did similarly well on his run on super-softs (also below), improving his best time by half a second 16 laps into his stint
- Will the tyres last this well in the race? It?s not a given as Monaco typically sees very high track evolution as the surface becomes cleaner and grippier. But at this stage Pirelli?s initial estimate of ten-lap stints on the super-softs looks very conservative
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | |
Sebastian Vettel | 79.03 | 78.808 | 78.585 | 78.888 | 79.437 | 80.066 | 79.033 | 79.285 | 81.538 | 79.256 | 87.776 | 83.543 | 87.365 | 78.598 | 79.66 | 78.833 | 86.857 | 88.708 | 78.817 | 80.31 | 143.048 | ||||
Mark Webber | 79.789 | 80.091 | 87.149 | 79.971 | 80.169 | 87.322 | 79.512 | 79.658 | 79.572 | 91.243 | 79.468 | 79.235 | 86.826 | 79.183 | 87.496 | 79.147 | 125.774 | ||||||||
Lewis Hamilton | 84.409 | 79.236 | 79.008 | 82.708 | 84.233 | 91.365 | 80.503 | 78.848 | 127.268 | ||||||||||||||||
Jenson Button | 79.577 | 79.522 | 79.295 | 79.567 | 79.796 | 80.882 | 81.59 | 79.256 | 79.246 | 81.249 | 79.385 | 80.169 | 82.688 | 92.712 | 78.614 | 82.281 | 142.439 | ||||||||
Fernando Alonso | 78.749 | 78.88 | 78.984 | 78.777 | 78.638 | 80.719 | 78.512 | 83.172 | 79.231 | 83.627 | 78.909 | ||||||||||||||
Felipe Massa | 79.385 | 78.827 | 78.426 | 78.549 | 79.16 | 86.235 | 78.373 | 78.469 | 84.311 | 78.429 | 79.128 | 94.096 | 80.71 | 91.9 | |||||||||||
Michael Schumacher | 79.814 | 79.876 | 79.684 | 89.392 | 87.323 | 85.515 | 79.445 | 79.811 | 92.692 | 83.606 | 120.093 | ||||||||||||||
Nico Rosberg | 81.036 | 83.303 | 79.929 | 80.1 | 80.551 | 81.628 | 81.742 | ||||||||||||||||||
Nick Heidfeld | 82.542 | 82.157 | 84.181 | 81.091 | 81.08 | 83.665 | 90.305 | 80.576 | 86.266 | 143.807 | |||||||||||||||
Vitaly Petrov | 83.02 | 82.982 | 78.471 | 98.191 | 78.135 | 85.299 | 78.02 | 83.843 | 77.339 | 77.883 | |||||||||||||||
Rubens Barrichello | 83.844 | 82.326 | 91.641 | 81.701 | 81.188 | 80.892 | 88.296 | 92.018 | 84.859 | 83.5 | 81.13 | 86.762 | 82.046 | 81.44 | |||||||||||
Pastor Maldonado | 82.342 | 82.509 | 80.584 | 81.083 | 81.369 | 80.957 | 81.33 | 83.92 | 80.943 | 82.761 | 82.608 | 85.106 | 94.187 | 80.894 | 80.58 | 140.225 | |||||||||
Adrian Sutil | 81.246 | 81.424 | 81.294 | 81.257 | 81.128 | 81.571 | 81.459 | 81.957 | 81.292 | 82.908 | 81.013 | 80.939 | 81.063 | 86.521 | 83.982 | 81.489 | 135.434 | ||||||||
Paul di Resta | 80.484 | 84.938 | 91.454 | 83.13 | 79.735 | 90.962 | 79.053 | ||||||||||||||||||
Kamui Kobayashi | 84.663 | 84.667 | 81.433 | 81.924 | 82.034 | 81.119 | 81.048 | 81.834 | 81.505 | 81.398 | 81.082 | ||||||||||||||
Sergio Perez | 82.161 | 80.287 | 80.337 | 87.088 | 80.487 | 80.584 | 80.479 | 80.342 | 86.217 | 80.34 | 80.751 | 80.24 | 80.544 | 93.62 | 80.216 | 80.271 | 90.297 | 79.953 | 85.225 | 81.714 | 81.144 | 86.031 | 86.713 | 81.742 | 141.521 |
Sebastien Buemi | 81.383 | 80.902 | 80.848 | 80.661 | 81.431 | 80.551 | 80.528 | 80.371 | 80.674 | 84.597 | 84.417 | 80.693 | 81.272 | 88.121 | 81.19 | 85.482 | 81.653 | ||||||||
Jaime Alguersuari | 83.265 | 81.921 | 81.514 | 81.091 | 81.263 | 81.596 | 82.076 | 82.187 | 81.584 | 81.463 | 81.603 | 81.463 | 81.729 | 82.179 | 87.65 | 82.453 | 82.55 | 82.71 | 83.239 | 86.196 | 84.562 | 86.473 | 142.74 | ||
Heikki Kovalainen | 83.435 | 82.331 | 82.225 | 82.563 | 86.29 | 81.869 | 82.705 | 82.405 | 82.379 | 82.972 | 84.504 | 164.454 | 83.132 | 127.037 | |||||||||||
Jarno Trulli | 83.594 | 83.076 | 82.273 | 85.124 | 82.41 | 81.781 | 81.93 | 81.871 | 82.2 | 82.702 | 90.785 | 83.263 | 82.547 | 133.128 | |||||||||||
Narain Karthikeyan | 88.102 | 85.092 | 93.752 | 94.964 | 88.52 | 85.089 | 84.015 | 83.579 | |||||||||||||||||
Vitantonio Liuzzi | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Timo Glock | 83.685 | 82.143 | 88.131 | 82.558 | 82.321 | 85.677 | 83.519 | 83.223 | 82.767 | 82.669 | 83.386 | 89.673 | 82.769 | 122.617 | |||||||||||
Jerome d?Ambrosio | 82.702 | 82.072 | 82.668 | 82.612 | 83.011 | 85.759 | 83.658 | 84.062 | 84.37 | 84.097 | 88.555 | 87.524 | 86.903 | 91.177 | 141.821 |
Complete practice times
- Narain Karthikeyan[4] was outside the 107% time from Q1 (1?21.982) set on soft tyres. If his FP2 time was set on super-softs, it does not bode well for his chances of qualifying
- Giedo van de Garde, Sam Bird and Jules Bianchi were all faster than Karthikeyan in the GP2 qualifying session held after second practice
- Another unexpected property of the super-soft tyre was that some drivers were able to improve their times after their first lap. This could have an effect on qualifying, allowing drivers an extra chance to set a good lap if they get stuck in traffic
Ultimate lap times
- Taking all their sector times into account the gap between Fernando Alonso[5] and Lewis Hamilton is even smaller. But remember Hamilton set his best time later in the session, benefiting from the track evolution
Car | Driver | Car | Ultimate lap | Gap | Deficit to best | |
1 | 5 | Fernando Alonso | Ferrari | 1?15.121 | 0.002 | |
2 | 3 | Lewis Hamilton | McLaren-Mercedes | 1?15.193 | 0.072 | 0.035 |
3 | 8 | Nico Rosberg | Mercedes | 1?15.321 | 0.200 | 0.000 |
4 | 4 | Jenson Button | McLaren-Mercedes | 1?15.355 | 0.234 | 0.093 |
5 | 1 | Sebastian Vettel | Red Bull-Renault | 1?15.667 | 0.546 | 0.000 |
6 | 6 | Felipe Massa | Ferrari | 1?15.742 | 0.621 | 0.039 |
7 | 7 | Michael Schumacher | Mercedes | 1?16.191 | 1.070 | 0.165 |
8 | 2 | Mark Webber | Red Bull-Renault | 1?16.528 | 1.407 | 0.114 |
9 | 14 | Adrian Sutil | Force India-Mercedes | 1?17.101 | 1.980 | 0.000 |
10 | 9 | Nick Heidfeld | Renault | 1?17.126 | 2.005 | 0.000 |
11 | 10 | Vitaly Petrov | Renault | 1?17.208 | 2.087 | 0.129 |
12 | 12 | Pastor Maldonado | Williams-Cosworth | 1?17.352 | 2.231 | 0.281 |
13 | 17 | Sergio Perez | Sauber-Ferrari | 1?17.410 | 2.289 | 0.131 |
14 | 11 | Rubens Barrichello | Williams-Cosworth | 1?17.570 | 2.449 | 0.000 |
15 | 18 | Sebastien Buemi | Toro Rosso-Ferrari | 1?17.581 | 2.460 | 0.000 |
16 | 16 | Kamui Kobayashi | Sauber-Ferrari | 1?17.663 | 2.542 | 0.043 |
17 | 19 | Jaime Alguersuari | Toro Rosso-Ferrari | 1?17.707 | 2.586 | 0.082 |
18 | 20 | Heikki Kovalainen | Lotus-Renault | 1?18.021 | 2.900 | 0.245 |
19 | 21 | Jarno Trulli | Lotus-Renault | 1?18.297 | 3.176 | 0.193 |
20 | 15 | Paul di Resta | Force India-Mercedes | 1?19.038 | 3.917 | 0.015 |
21 | 25 | Jerome d?Ambrosio | Virgin-Cosworth | 1?19.125 | 4.004 | 0.060 |
22 | 24 | Timo Glock | Virgin-Cosworth | 1?19.209 | 4.088 | 0.129 |
23 | 22 | Narain Karthikeyan | HRT-Cosworth | 1?21.989 | 6.868 | 0.077 |
Speed trap
2011 Monaco Grand Prix
Image ? Force India F1 Team
- ^ be good for no more than ten laps in Monaco (www.f1fanatic.co.uk)
- ^ Sebastian Vettel (www.f1fanatic.co.uk)
- ^ Jenson Button (www.f1fanatic.co.uk)
- ^ Narain Karthikeyan (www.f1fanatic.co.uk)
- ^ Fernando Alonso (www.f1fanatic.co.uk)
- ^ Browse all 2011 Monaco Grand Prix articles (www.f1fanatic.co.uk)
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/f1fanatic/~3/uKoGdZfNoCQ/
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ASUS 'PadFone' to be the final name of the phone-docking tablet?
PadFone. Well, as silly as it sounds, the name sure speaks for itself. Unearthed by our friends over at Pocketnow, this USPTO trademark document was filed by ASUS merely four days ago. Such timing suggests that this could very well be the final name of the company's eccentric "pad or phone" combo, which is to be unveiled at Computex next week. As expected, no specifics are detailed in this application, but it does mention "electronic pens for computer touch screens" -- possibly hinting that the PadFone will be compatible with N-Trig's DuoSense or similar stylus technology.
Alas, that's all we have for now until ASUS lifts the curtain on Monday, but let us point you to Notebook Italia's brilliant mock-up to quench your thirst for the time being -- we, too, suspect that the phone would slide onto the back of its companion tablet, hence the bump. That said, do bear in mind that this phone is already proven to be not as tacky looking, but is likely closer to a full-fledged Android handset. Anyhow, check out the artist's impressions after the break.
Update: Oh hey, remember Windows SideShow? Good times.
Continue reading ASUS 'PadFone' to be the final name of the phone-docking tablet?
ASUS 'PadFone' to be the final name of the phone-docking tablet? originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 May 2011 13:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
PermalinkSource: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/z6hqGuzEqBc/
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Friday, May 27, 2011
The Benefits of the Many Types of Massage Beds Available on the ...
More and more people are interested in the advantages of massages and massage beds are a great way one can take advantage of these benefits in the comfort of their own home. With a top of the line unit, you don?t even need a massage therapist because it does all the work, but it?s always nice to enjoy human touch. The latest generation of massage beds have all kinds of features, and we?ll be looking at some of these in this article to help you find one that can help you relax and de-stress whenever you want.
Even though massage beds are seen as a luxury and are the definition of comfort, there are certain issues you need to know first. There are a few risks you need to know of pertaining to massage beds and pregnant women, disabled people and the elderly. Pregnant women, for example, should stick to getting massages from professionals who are experienced with pregnancy massage, as any kind of automatic massage could be dangerous. The disabled and the elderly should always have supervision when using massage beds as it can be hard to get on and off them. Generally, massage beds are safe but some people should not use them on their own.
Some massage beds are equipped with features that allow them to be used for other purposes, such as providing facials.
Thermal massage beds use jade rollers to deliver a massage as well as deep heat to your whole body, targeting key acupressure points.
Thermal massage beds are high end units that deliver a massage as well as jade rollers that deliver deep heat to your whole body while targeting key acupressure points.
Many people see having a massage bed as a necessity in today?s stressful world not just as a modern luxury. They may be expensive but the health benefits of regular massage make owning a massage bed a worthwhile investment. While you shop for a massage bed, keep the above models in mind as they are among the leading styles available. But when it comes down to it, you?re the only one who can decide what kind of massages will be the best for you.
For information about portable massage chair go to his brand new website regarding portable professional massagist chairs.
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7 Essential Things Every Geek Should Know or Own
[Photo: Pop + Shorty]Happy Geek Pride Day! May 25 is here, and while the date coincides with other events such as the 1977 theatrical release of Star Wars: A New Hope, Towel Day, and a celebration of Terry Prachett's Discworld, it's a day to bask in being a geek. But just to make sure, you may want to check the GeekTech list of things a good geek should own or know. If you have or know a few of these things, congratulations. If you don't, see this as a shopping list of what you need.
(And a special thanks to those who contributed ideas via our Facebook page!)
A Geek Should Own...
Flash Drives: Any self-respecting geek should have some form of portable drive. And not just one or two--you should have an entire collection of them. You should know then how to partition your flash drive properly. Your flash drives should contain a collection of system utilities and perhaps a Linux installation or two (hat tip to Joe S. on our Facebok page for the tip!).
My box o'wires. Yours needn't be this messy!Cables-Lots of Cables: Having a box of miscellaneous cables is great. It isn't only useful for finding a spare in case a cable goes missing, but you'll also have cables for just about any unforeseen circumstance. You?ll probably find the box will be mainly made up of Ethernet cables, but this is good for wiring up your whole house.
Don?t forget to put a cable in your bag (be it a USB or a specific charger cable) just in case your latest cool gadget, laptop, or otherwise runs out of juice, or needs hooking up to a PC.
A Home-built PC: Nothing shouts Geek cred like a homemade computer. Not only are you proving how well you can navigate yourself around a PC, but it also means you got to pick what went inside--faster RAM, big memory, impressive graphics and maybe more than one monitor are just a few examples of how cool a geeky homebuild is. You should have just about every screwdriver imaginable, as well as an anti-static wrist-strap set (hat tip to Simon on our Facebook page for the tip!).
A Soldering Iron: Because...well, why not? You never know when you'll have to hack together some hardware. (Hat tip to Joe S. on our Facebok page for the tip!)
Geek Tech blogger Chris Brandrick modelling a geeky Threadless tee.A Geeky Tee (Or Two. Or Twenty.): Chances are, you'll wear your geekiness on your sleeve--literally--with a geeky tee. A geek slogan or motif or something to do with geek culture are all legitimate and potentially cool. If you?re looking for a cool geeky tee, there are plenty of places online to find good ones: Pop + Shorty has a couple of sweet t-shirts aimed at the fashion conscious geek, and Threadless occasionally sells some great geek-friendly designs too.
And of course, it never hurts to add some geeky buttons. If you're a Web designer, you might appreciate this one (pictured at top).
Should Know
How to Code: All geeks should have even a basic degree of coding knowledge. Depending on what coding you find most interesting--be it computer programming or Web design--you should be able to lay down the basics from memory. For instance, if HTML is your thing, you really ought to know your img src from your a href. If you know the HTML basics--plus a little about CSS and how it works--you get bonus points.
Keyboard shortcuts: Knowing your way around the keyboard is pretty useful, especially if the time comes when your mouse stops working and you need to stop what you are doing and shut down (and we have all had those kinds of mouse issues). Plus, keyboard shortcuts are mega useful in programs such as Photoshop--they save a ton of time.
On the desktop, the best of you will know how to rotate screen (and know that not all computers can do this, as it depends on the graphics card), bypass the recycle bin, run the command prompt as an administrator, or create your own shortcuts. Then there are all the neat shortcuts available to a savvy time-saver in web browsers too (here?s a good one for mainly IE users: type a word into the address bar, then press CTRL and enter).
Any other ideas and suggestions? Leave a comment!
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Elvis Presley: 'Burning Love,' Revisited
Viva Elvis' recent reinvention of a familiar hit is shockingly great, but also fundamentally true to the original.
Viva Elvis' recent reinvention of a familiar hit is shockingly great, but also fundamentally true to the original.
Song: "Burning Love"
Artist: Elvis Presley
CD: Viva Elvis: The Album
Genre: Rock
Unlike a lot of the tracks on Viva Elvis, the excellent soundtrack to Cirque du Soleil's Vegas show of the same name, "Burning Love" doesn't rewrite the song on which it's based. It just re-contextualizes it. Taking the approach that made a monster hit of "A Little Less Conversation" about five steps further, it extracts Elvis Presley's vocal from a 1972 single that, as the King's final Top 10 hit during his lifetime, encapsulated his descent into self-parody and transplants it into a world he couldn't have anticipated.
Once everything that's not Elvis himself has been stripped away, the song grafts what's left onto, among other things, the discombobulated guitar part from The Hives' "Walk Idiot Walk" and a roiling bassline that has the effect of a subway car careening directly underfoot. A furious drumbeat pummels away at full force, supplying muscle unimagined in the original.
It's a mind-blowing, left-field recasting of a familiar song. But even so, it remains fundamentally true to the underlying components that made "Burning Love" what it was in the first place, including the chord progression (a feature that doesn't necessarily survive the transition for all of Viva Elvis' songs). Most importantly, there's that vocal, brash and richly authoritative, rippling with life in its new surroundings and demonstrating that Elvis Presley was still capable of magic, if only his material could keep up with him.
Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/25/136643637/elvis-presley-burning-love-revisited?ft=1&f=1039
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menumania.co.nz: Win One Of Twenty Double Passes To The Food Show ...
To enter competition visit website and simply log in or if you are not already a member register.
The Food Show, New Zealand?s number one culinary event, returns to ASB Showgrounds, Auckland from 28 ? 31 July 2011.The Food Show gives tens of thousands of kiwi foodies the chance to experience first-hand an astonishing variety of gourmet food and drink from everywhere imaginable and to enrich their own cooking with tips from New Zealand?s top chefs.The show also offers an ever-changing array of special features such as the boutique products in Artisan Alley, the highly flavoured Hawke?s Bay Wine Country, and the Electrolux Cooking Theatre packed with celebrity chefs and cooking demonstrations.If you?re looking for the most delicious new food ideas, the best in beverages, and the most innovative kitchen products all wrapped up in a day of fun and relaxation, this is the show for you.
More Information/Enter >>Bookmark/Search this post with:
Source: http://www.gimme.co.nz/competitions/win-one-twenty-double-passes-food-show-auckland-20629
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
DIY Home Improvement Tips So You Don't Have To Pay Others To Do It ...
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CIENCIASMEDICASNEWS: Coffee May Ward off Lethal Prostate Cancer ...
Coffee May Ward off Lethal Prostate Cancer
A growing body of research is showing that coffee drinking poses little to no health risk for most people. In a new large-scale study, researchers have found that coffee may lower the risk of lethal prostate cancer
Coffee contains a diverse mix of biologically active compounds, some of which are thought to protect DNA from damage that can contribute to cancer. Teasing out the cumulative effects off all these compounds in the human body can be difficult. Heavy coffee drinking sometimes goes hand in hand with unhealthy habits, like smoking and a less active lifestyle, and it?s difficult to separate the effects of coffee from these other factors.
A team of researchers led by Drs. Kathryn Wilson and Lorelei Mucci at the Harvard School of Public Health set out to investigate whether coffee intake affects the risk for prostate cancer. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men. In 2010, there were over 200,000 new cases nationwide and over 32,000 deaths from the disease. Results from previous studies looking into the effects of coffee on prostate cancer were inconsistent due to their small size and confounding factors such as smoking.
The researchers examined data from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, which was funded by NIH?s National Cancer Institute (NCI). Coffee intake was assessed in 1986 for the almost 48,000 men who made up the study and then every 4 years thereafter. By 2006, over 5,000 patients with prostate cancer were identified, including 642 with lethal cancers (those that caused death or advanced cancer that had spread to bone). The scientists adjusted for other variables like smoking and obesity. Their results appeared on May 17, 2011, in the online edition of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
The researchers estimated that men who had 6 or more cups of coffee per day had an 18% lower risk for overall prostate cancer than those who didn?t drink coffee. The association was even stronger for lethal prostate cancer. Those who drank 6 or more cups per day had an estimated 60% lower risk for lethal prostate cancers than those who didn?t drink coffee. Coffee consumption wasn?t associated with the risk of non-advanced or low-grade cancers.
The association with lethal cancer was similar for regular and decaffeinated coffee, so caffeine doesn?t appear to play a role. The authors are now planning experiments to explore the mechanisms by which coffee might have this effect.
If coffee drinking is confirmed to lower risk of prostate cancer, it will add to the evidence showing that simple dietary changes can make a big impact in the fight against cancer. The coffee drinkers in this study were more likely to smoke and less likely to engage in vigorous exercise?other behaviors known to raise the risk for prostate cancer. Nevertheless, factors the researchers didn?t consider may also have affected the results.
?At present we lack an understanding of risk factors that can be changed or controlled to lower the risk of lethal prostate cancer,? Wilson says. ?If our findings are validated, coffee could represent one modifiable factor that may lower the risk of developing the most harmful form of prostate cancer.?
?by Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
Related Links:
Concerned About Coffee? It May Actually Be Good for You:
Prostate Cancer:
Coffee May Ward off Lethal Prostate Cancer - NIH Research Matters - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Source: http://elbiruniblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/coffee-may-ward-off-lethal-prostate.html
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Value of CompTIA Certification - CompTIA Certification Helper-1 ...
May 24
CompTIA Certification is given by the Computing Technology Industry Association. CompTIA is organization whose goal is to further the global interests of IT professionals around the world. Their aim is to improve the employment opportunities and skills validation for IT professionals, as well as improve the quality of IT hires and employees for businesses. CompTIA provides certifications that validate the skills of people in the IT field. To earn a CompTIA A+ certification, a candidate must pass(CompTIA Network+ certification)a certification exam or a series of certification exams. Once the candidate has passed the certification exam, the company provides documentation that the person has earned the appropriate CompTIA certification. In addition to certification exams, CompTIA provides information and education for the IT community at large.
CompTIA certification gives the IT professional greater leverage when searching for a job and for keeping employment. By earning a CompTIA certification, you?re showing potential employers and other members of the community that you have passed the exams that validate your IT skills. In addition to certifying your IT skills, CompTIA certification shows that you have the ?career-consciousness? to be proactive and pursue credentials and certifications that are attractive to potential employers. There are many rewards and incentives for people with CompTIA certifications. Statistics show that IT certifications can lead to(a certification cost)salaries 30% greater than salaries for those without IT certification. CompTIA certification is among the most widely accepted and respected IT certifications in the industry. Plus, CompTIA certifications are an important credential in the U.S. Department of Defense?s initiative to ensure all personnel who work with DOD technology are properly certified.
CompTIA A+ Essentials measures the necessary competencies of an entry-level IT professional with at least 500 hours of hands-on experience in the lab or field. It tests for the fundamentals of computer technology, networking and security, as well as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all entry-level IT professionals.
The following units are covered in the course books: Troubleshooting methodology; Operating systems; Electricity and power supplies; CPUs and motherboards; The Basic Input/Output System; Memory systems; Bus structures; Expansion cards; Peripheral connection types; Data storage devices; Video output and image input devices; Printers; Connecting computers; Networking computers; Network troubleshooting; Portable computers; Windows management; Windows monitoring; Operating system troubleshooting; ; Security; Windows installation and upgrades; and Safety and maintenance.
CompTIA A+ Practical Application 220-702 Exam
CompTIA A+ Practical Application is an extension of the knowledge and skills identified in CompTIA A+ Essentials, with more of a ?hands-on? orientation focused on scenarios in which troubleshooting and tools must be applied to resolve problems.
The following units are covered in(comptia certification training)the course book: Power systems; CPUs and motherboards; ; Memory systems; Expansion cards; Data storage devices; Printers and scanners; Mobile computing; Windows management; Windows maintenance; SOHO networking; Network troubleshooting; and Security.
by authorPosted in CompTIA Network+ Certification Tags: a certification cost, comptia certification training, CompTIA Network+ certification
Source: http://www.comptiaking.com/comptia-network-certification-2/value-of-comptia-certification/
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Medical Transcription and Outsourcing ? Article Directory ...
Medical Transcription is a profession that is coming up in a huge way. With the population growing and the work load increasing, more transcriptionists are being beckoned for the transcription process by doctors and physicians. A unique proposition that this job offers the candidate is to work at home and not be confined to a work place.
Business:Careers-Employment Articles from EzineArticles.com
Source: http://artiicles.com/business/careers-employment/medical-transcription-and-outsourcing/
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Choosing the right internet network marketing business ...
Choosing the right internet network marketing business
Article by Terez Dunn
There a lot of online multi-level marketing (MLM) or internet network marketing that can be found online, but choosing the right one for you is the key. A lot of internet network marketing gimmicks offer easy money, but let?s face facts; we can?t have easy money until we work hard to attain that status. So choosing the right internet network marketing business is wise.
There are a lot of factors to consider so careful planning and decision making has to be done in order to choose whether or not you are fit for the job or the job fits you. Always remember to check out the reviews of people online about the internet network marketing you are about to join and make sure that they are legitimate enough to believe.
It is also a good idea to find someone you know in your community, whether online or offline, who knows the internet network marketing business you are about to enter in order for you to get a close hand opinion if the company is great or not. There are also websites that gives out reviews on internet marketing businesses.
Many internet network marketing opportunities offer networking to make money rather than network marketing.
Difference between Networking and Network MarketingThere is a difference between networking and network marketing. Networking would allow you to earn money just by recruiting people. An example would be say you found this internet network marketing site and decided to join, and you wanted to share it to someone you know. If the other person you know decided to join your group, you?ll get paid just by inviting that person.
Network Marketing is different. Network Marketing would let you search for your own network to help sell your products to other people and you don?t get paid just by recruiting people, rather the people you recruit will learn from your teachings so that they too can make money for their own and help out in selling the products that were assigned to you. This in term would be just like duplicating what you have learned to them.
Many people quit too soon as they get closer to the top position on their online network marketing businesses. This may be because most people would just like to earn money and not expand their network. If they don?t make their desired income in a few months, they quit and often bad mouth the industry.
Reasons to enter in an internet network marketing businessThere are a lot of reasons to a lot of different people who want to join an internet marketing business, but a lot of people would join for the reasons that you want to help yourself and you want to help others. If these are the only two reasons that made you join an internet marketing business then most of the systems of these businesses are not meant for you.
A person who wants to join an internet network marketing businesses must have goals planned out so as to drive that person to reach the top position of their respective businesses. There are a lot of online marketing businesses that provide trainings for their employees in order to know what their goals are and succeed at their business. For this, hard work will still be involved in the process.
About the Author
Would you like to have a real web site business? Terez Dunn invites you to visit his profitable online business website for everything you need to start and run your own online business. His services include advertising, mentoring, and a full service training and support package to help guarantee your success. Learn more here: http://www.milliondollarblueprints.net
Tags: Business, Choosing, Internet, Marketing, Network, Right
Source: http://www.leadgenerationcompanies.ca/choosing-the-right-internet-network-marketing-business
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